
I just led my members to do a wave of sol, and now they have stopped profit and exited, with a profit of 94%. He also asked why it only took 15 minutes to go back and forth so quickly! ! ! Yes, this is how contracts should be done. If you make money, you have to run. Long and short positions are open back and forth. It is better to keep profits than to be trapped all the time! ! Don't be greedy. If you make money, you have to run. Sometimes you will be trapped again after thinking for five or six minutes😅😅😅It is better to eat meat than anything else! ! ! This is just Xiaoxian's style~ Everyone's operation method is different! ! !

If you are always losing money now and don't know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, all contract spot gameplay is shared, just to increase fans!

#sol趋势 #sol板块 #山寨季何时到来?