Investors must understand that as long as you enter the market, you will be affected by price fluctuations and be manipulated by the market. If you want to avoid the impact of market fluctuations, you must keep a certain distance from the market so that you can see market changes more clearly.
Be calm in the face of market fluctuations, and avoid being too eager for quick success. Most investors will become irrational and restless when faced with huge profit temptations, especially when faced with the tempting contract market. Due to the endless desire for profits, most investors always have the upper hand in emotions when facing the ever-changing and fluctuating market. What causes the ever-changing market? In the final analysis, it is the greed and fear of investors. Because this complex human psychology is unpredictable, investors are always in a state of confusion, which exacerbates their insecurity. Therefore, it is recommended that investors should be calm in the face of market fluctuations when entering the market, and avoid being too eager for quick success.
Investment philosophy is the continuous adjustment of investors' thoughts in actual combat, which comes from the sublimation of their own mind. It is not a thought process or method, but the general outline of all thoughts, the fundamental principle of thought, and the foundation that investors believe in. $BTC $ETH