$FLUX flux has maintained a strong rebound signal today. Excellent fundamentals serve as value support. At present, we need to pay attention to whether $BTC can end the volatile market. The dominant sentiment in the cryptocurrency market is closely related to BTC. In the current volatile stage, it is an opportunity to accumulate altcoins with excellent fundamentals. Flux returns to $0.62-0.63 and fluctuates for a week, which means that flux is still an excellent altcoin with good room for growth in the future. If it falls to 0.52-0.56, you can consider buying in batches while paying attention to the entire cryptocurrency market. If the cryptocurrency market falls again, pay attention to whether flux falls below the low of the previous round of decline of $0.48-0.5. Considering the excellent fundamentals, around 0.5 is the price when it started in October last year, which is a good time to buy.