Part 3

Getting started in trading. Searching for information.

Once you have searched for information about the tokens and know which ones you can invest in or if you have even already made some investments (token purchase), DO NOT STAY THERE, there is still something else that can leave you a lot of PROFITS: they are the "PROJECTS NEW".

And it is the next task in which you must FOCUS: YES on looking for "PROJECTS" that have high reliability and good growth potential, in which you can be a part and make prudent investments according to your possibilities and analysis, as I said well. Previously there are more than 16 thousand tokens in the crypto world, but we are in a growing market, we are in the digital age so many people, companies and companies create their own cryptocurrencies and these sometimes tend to have a very great POTENTIAL, so that we must be aware of these PROJECTS and thus not miss opportunities that are essential in trading and in your financial growth.

Generally, the greatest profits in the crypto world are obtained when we are part of a project from its inception or when it has just been released on the market, however keep in mind that not all projects will see the light or result in profits, for example. what you should investigate well.