$LUNC if I want to tell the crypto market and coins policy that leading by bots and Artificial Intelligence the story is like this:
when a coin added or created specially the coins we call it shit coin , it (information technology) team showing it had 100x or 1000 x profit for example since 2022 or less ,then when people start trading ,it will go down, then robot agents start to inject fake news and always they are in sellers section until they catch all people money or billions$ then the coin creators start buying to say its still alive and then drama happens over and over
If you find anyone who says i became rich with trading on shit coins and got 1000x profit let them proof it then start investing but the result of blind investing is lose money or perhaps lose the life!!
Never ever this kind of coin ($LUNC ) will go up or give profit like 10x or 100x !!