#1000PEPE has strong resistance at 0.0094441, if it breaks through this limit, it will rise further. Please pay close attention.
Current market data
Latest price: $0.0093529
Increase in the past 24 hours: +2.87%
24-hour high price: $0.0094441
24-hour low price: $0.0087516
24-hour trading volume: 1000PEPE: 83.284 billion
USDT: 761 million
Trading strategy
Long trading entry point: around $0.0093529Entry target: 24-hour high $0.0094441
Short trading entry point: above $0.0094441Target: 24-hour low $0.0087516
Technical analysisFrom the chart, $1000PEPE is approaching its strong resistance level. If it can successfully break through $0.0094441, it may open up new upside space.
Investors should pay close attention to price changes and trade according to the above strategy.
Personal opinion, for reference only, for more real-time strategy information, follow the homepage