Odaily Planet Daily News Nike's encrypted fashion brand RTFKT announced that it will launch the first native Web3 sneakers "Cryptokicks iRL". RTFKT said that this pair of sneakers will enable the Move to Earn mode, but did not disclose the specific rules of the mode. The sneakers are limited to 19,000 pairs and are available in 4 colors, namely Blackout, Stone, Ice and Space Matter. During the casting process, they will be sold as digital collectibles (NFTs) in exchange for physical counterparts (the shoes are not waterproof). The minter will receive a pair of Cryptokicks iRL sneakers as a digital asset (NFT) and a pair of physical sneakers. RTFKT's WM chip can link digital and physical items. Lace Engine NFT holders can participate in private casting starting at 23:30 on December 12, Beijing time. The public casting lottery registration will be open from 00:00 on December 8 to 00:00 on December 10, Beijing time, and the public casting will start at 21:00 on December 14, Beijing time. Users who participate in the lottery must have an RTFKT account, a crypto wallet supported by WalletConnect (with at least 0.5 ETH in the wallet), and a US delivery address. The delivery time of the sneakers and the download time of the RTFKT Cryptokicks iRL application are both in May 2023.