Money saving tip: Never touch a coin that was listed on binance trough launchpad, until they hit bottom. Even if you think they hit the bottom, you better wait, because they can go even lower, so best strategy is to go 50% lower then what you think would be the bottom.
Unfortunately, launchpad designed for the wealthy BNB or stable coin holders, who already have 100k + in their account, and can farm a reasonable amount of tokens. Because all they have to do, is to farm hit the sell button on the first hour of the token listed, and you, who think, that you would be an early buyer of the token if you by the first minute the token is launched, almost 99% of the time you are buying ATH, and the next weeks or months you are going to watch loosing value, and if you are lucky, you will have 1 chance to sell your token without loss or some profit, but the characteristics of all those tokens are that less than 10% is the circulating supply, and over time they release more and more tokens, and the price keep dropping.
Some good example of such token is ICP, which already have some years of history, so go and have a look on the chart, almost impossible that it will ever hit ATH.
Current tokens that recently launched will be down 90% from current price for sure, maybe no tomorrow, but in the long run all those tokens will inflate, and all of them has already a reasonable market cap, and unlikely that any of them will 10x their market cap from here, and even if they will, they current price is where they will be in 10 years, if any of them going to be still alive.
So you, he small, retail investor is ticked into a game, where you rarely have a chance to gain big on those tokens.
And I would say, sham on Binance, that they play such a dirty game. I know, many of here are addicted to buy and sell, addicted to leverage, etc, and when they list something on Futures the first day of a token birth, that's pure spit in your face, and no matter, if you short or long, you very likely loose on those, unless you stop using high leverage, and have more patience. 😘