Seeing WLD (WORLDCOIN) in Green at this time 🌿 in the midst of this bearish scenario and in the face of the collapse of BITCOIN, shows you a clear sign that the one who pulls the strings of true artificial intelligence is Satlmán, this young visionary is the one who will make it a reality the SINGULARITY in the coming years. We are in the presence of the blossoming of a technology that will change the world forever, it is difficult to see beyond the short term, we are designed not to project ourselves into the future, the narrative of iris scanning, ORBI, and political persecutions all over The world is a chaos that Samuel Altman himself is deliberately generating, whoever thinks or is convinced that WORLDCOIN is a social experiment and that its promoters are improvising on a cryptocurrency like any other do not know the battle that is being fought right now for control of ARTIFICIAL SUPERINTELLIGENCE, we are facing a world-class event that, as I said before, will change the course of history, what we are about to see is undoubtedly a Sputnik event, few people know that the battle for control of artificial super intelligence It's dead, just like in the Game of Thrones saga, and who doesn't know that CHAT GPT takes the lead, the conversational AI that promised to work through a combination of natural language processing (NLP), base models and machine learning is not was able to meet the standards demanded by today's society, at this point OPENAI managed to develop an extensive language model, designed to understand and generate human-type responses and who can deny that it does not work, at this point in this Game of Thrones Samuel H Altman takes the lead, this young man is considered the father of ChatGPT which was launched in November 2022 and which is revolutionizing the world, the same promoter of WORLDCOIN and who knows that both projects are related, what has happened with NVIDIA has been nothing more than the fruit of the discovery that the processors that this company manufactures solved a problem derived from generative artificial intelligence, but in the short term quantum computing will dethrone NVIDIA and the world as we know it will change forever, be Part of Worlcoin is like needing to have the 666 described in the Christian apocalypse tattooed, but in this case it will be a talisman to protect your identity, your being, your assets, your family, your existence. Those who scan their irises with the real purpose that OPENAI does not yet reveal will be hitting the jackpot. At this moment only Altman knows what is behind the iris scan but it will soon surprise the world. Those already scanned will be rewarded with a pass to the METAVERSE of OPENAI and the ARTIFICIAL SUPERINTELLIGENCE that will not lose a foot or foot in the movie that "THE GAME BEGINS", the other thing is that the entire financial universe will be forced to migrate to Altman's technology, it will be the greatest business FOMO in history of humanity, those who are not able to see what is hidden in WORLDCOIN will miss the opportunity to see their world change forever for the better. $WLD
