Notcoin. This is the same clicker application inside Telegram that allowed those who actively participated in their campaign to earn several hundred dollars per account. More than a month has passed since NOT was listed, and during this time the price managed to rise and then fall by about 50%. Now the price is approximately $0.013. Many influencers promoted the idea that this token would be pumped, because Pavel Durov himself drew attention to this project. At first this was true, but then something changed and the token began to quickly lose value.
On the daily timeframe you can see that there is NOT room to fall. The asset has already broken through several supports and settled below $0.013. Now there is another support, it is in the range of $0.01 – $0.0115. If the token flashes it too, then the next stop will be $0.005. Is it worth selecting NOT for $0.01 – $0.0115? It’s better not to, because it may not be loi. It’s better to refrain from going long for now, because they can lower the price even lower. It is best to take a long position from $0.005 or as close to this mark as possible.
On the 4h timeframe the situation is no better. The price has broken through all the supports, and NOT was below the current level only on June 1, that is, more than a month ago.