Exchange traded funds ,particularly $BTC ETF was welcomed with massive hype among crypto communities but did it live to its hype?
i dont think so! As much as we are yet to see the effect of ETFs on the price of $BTC ,most people have been disappointed by the minimal movement of BTC even after the halving.
wall streets have taken control of btc effectively erasing the "decentralised,people centred" original idea of BTC as envisioned by Satoshi.
we may see more control of $BTC from big US Banks which by consensus every one surely hates!
But,there is always a catch! Funds have essentially stabilised BTC,which means goodbye to huge volatility in its price. adios to BTC below 50K too! Time to stock up those bits bags? only time will tell. I am bullish for the long term,but rather bearish in the short term.