Trading Robot (2025/03/02)
Today's market fluctuations are not that large, yesterday the margin balance was 130u, today the margin balance is 139, profit 9u, haha. Below is today's robot operation situation
📊 Current Strategy Operation Situation:
Current Strategy Status: Start
Current Fund Situation:
USDT: Wallet Balance: 150.40, Margin Balance: 139.28
Current Position Situation (2):
#TRXUSDT : Position Quantity: 2160, Direction: SELL, Average Price: 0.23153, Current Price: 0.23309, Floating Profit and Loss: -3.37
#ETHUSDT : Position Quantity: 0.228, Direction: SELL, Average Price: 2195.12, Current Price: 2229.13, Floating Profit and Loss: -7.75
Current Pending Order Situation (4):
ETHUSDT: Order Type: TAKE_PROFIT, Direction: BUY, Price: 2085.36, Quantity: 0.228, Time: 2025-03-01 17:30:02
ETHUSDT: Order Type: STOP_MARKET, Direction: BUY, Price: 2260.97, Quantity: 0.228, Time: 2025-03-01 17:30:02
TRXUSDT: Order Type: TAKE_PROFIT, Direction: BUY, Price: 0.21995, Quantity: 2160, Time: 2025-03-01 21:40:48
TRXUSDT: Order Type: STOP_MARKET, Direction: BUY, Price: 0.23848, Quantity: 2160, Time: 2025-03-01 21:40:48
Today's Order Situation:
Number of Orders: 10, Buy Orders: 5, Sell Orders: 5
Today's Profit Situation:
Number of Transactions: 17, Realized Profit and Loss: 13.90, Fees: 0.95, Total Realized Profit and Loss: 12.95, Total Floating Profit and Loss: -11.12