#ohtali1453 $BTC #
When calculating coin prices, look at the circulation count for that coin on its estimated Taurus end date (such as late January 2025). Multiply that circulation number by your predicted rise price. The resulting number is Market Cap. Then see if that coin can collect this number of Market Caps.
For example Pixel
On January 31, 2025, the number will be 1.3 billion units.
When we calculate the pixel price as 40 dollars
1.3 billion times 40 = 52 billion dollars Mcap needs to be made. Will this reach Mcap?
Why does the mind that believes that XRP will be worth 40 dollars with a circulation of approximately 55 billion units do not believe that Pixel will be worth 40 dollars with a circulation of 1.3 billion?
Or how can the mind that believes that ARB will be 30 dollars with a circulation of 3.8 billion units, not understand that a pixel can be 40 dollars with a circulation of 1.3 billion? I guess when hooliganism comes into play, math goes bankrupt!
Pixel collects a solid Mcap of 35-40 billion. But my guess is over 60 billion.