#bubble and
#mirage #memes
the crypto sphere is in fact a bubble that will burst like all: internet, Russian debt, subprime stock markets
all bubbles start and end the same
the crypto bubble has all the perfect characteristics. it is only a question of timing to ruin millions of people who will lose a total of billions of $ their savings, some much more, their house...for having gotten into debt
the memes are mirages intended for an uninformed public around false copies of btc the offers produce prices close to 0 attractive for the less fortunate who dream of wealth inflated by social networks every day, followers who have no analytical capacity.. surely not sufficient
the end is much closer than the millions they hope for it is a mathematical, economic, financial and statistical evidence. the very rich manipulators and exchanges will be the only ones to have benefited from it as in the Luna affair. and the rare shorts.
it is of course a global scam since the memes, gigantic. a few graphs and permanent posts from the communities will not change anything. nor the promises of the new listings
no possible rescue from the central banks rates at 0 and liquidity would not change anything