$XRP #somalia #muqdisho #hargeisa XRP has dominated with a 500% surge since late 2024, now standing strong at $3.03, solidifying its position as the third-largest crypto. Powered by groundbreaking tech upgrades (100K TPS) and favorable U.S. regulations, it’s crushing the competition. Analysts are hyped, projecting highs of $5.40. XRP is the future—everyone else is just trying to keep up
XRP waxay kor u kacday 500% tan iyo dabayaaqadii 2024, iyadoo gaartay $3.03, taasoo ka dhigaysa cryptocurrency-ga saddexaad ee ugu weyn. Koritaanka waxaa horseeday horumarka sharciyeed ee Mareykanka, casriyeynta XRP Ledger oo awood u leh 100,000 TPS, iyo xiisaha sii kordhaya ee maalgashadayaasha waaweyn. Caqabado waxaa ka mid ah isbeddelka suuqa iyo tartanka. Khubaradu waxay saadaalinayaan in qiimuhu gaari karo inta u dhaxaysa $3.55 ilaa $5.40, taasoo muujinaysa rajo fiican oo XRP ah mustaqbalka