It's still taxpayer money, and we have a responsibility and a duty to protect it, state Rep. Stephen Kelly said on the House floor Feb. 22, adding that this type of investment is too risky
#Rep . Bill Mercer also didn't like the idea of a Montana Investment Commission. That's not why I'm here, he said, adding, like another legislator, I smell speculation.
Montana Update:
#Bitcoin Reserve Bill HB 429 failed to pass its second reading in the Montana House of Representatives. The bill was effectively repealed.
the vote was 41 to 59. The vote was largely along party lines, with many Republicans voting against the bill.
analysis However, Representative Lee Deming argued that Montana should strive to maximize the use of its tax dollars, and this bill would help with that.
If we're going to keep the tax, I think we have an obligation to get the most out of the money that's out there.
The only risk is not passing this bill, said bill sponsor Curtis Schommer, who said the Montana Investment Commission Continuing the Investment Commission's investment in bonds would result in a loss of purchasing power, he emphasized. Montana State Representative Steve Fitzpatrick said the Montana Investment Commission has a lot of bank deposits that could be better utilized by investing in precious metals and
#digital assets
we can return those funds to the taxpayers and ultimately return more money, lower taxes and provide the economic relief that people have been waiting for.
Other lawmakers saw potential in Bill 429, but called for more amendments. This was the first time the Montana Business and Labor Committee voted in favor of it on February 19. It came just days after the Montana Business and Labor Committee passed Bill 429 by a 12-8 vote.
Twenty-four states, including New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Texas, have introduced a bitcoin reserve bill.
According to Bitcoin Laws, bills in 20 of those 24 states Utah made the most progress among U. S.
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