#比特币狂潮 The market value of Bitcoin has surpassed the total of the world's four largest banks.
What does it mean? Four years ago, Bitcoin was 3,500 US dollars, and you thought it was expensive, so you wanted to buy altcoins. Four years later, Bitcoin was 70,000 US dollars, and you couldn't afford it. Four years ago, EOS was 5u each, and you bought more and more. Four years later, EOS was less than 1u, and no one cared. This story tells us that choice is more important than effort.
Then we all know that there will be a big bull market next. At this time, choice is particularly important. Follow my cousin's homepage to communicate with him. I will provide fans with a contract strategy for free every day. This week, I took six orders, made five meat orders, and lost one order. My cousin can't make 100% meat. If you want to find 100% accuracy, don't come. Spot and my cousin will ambush potential currencies together, and achieve wealth freedom in this bull market together.