According to PANews, Solana's Meme coin creation platform, Pump, has set a new record in fee revenue. On May 7th, Pump generated a fee income of $752,000, surpassing the $729,000 fee captured by Maker on the same day. This achievement has placed Pump in the ninth position across the entire network.

The data, provided by DeFiLlama, highlights the growing popularity and success of the Solana ecosystem. The record-breaking fee revenue indicates a high level of activity and engagement on the platform, suggesting a positive trend for Solana's Meme coin platform, Pump.

This news comes as the latest in a series of successes for the Solana ecosystem, which has been making significant strides in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. The platform's ability to generate substantial fee revenue is a testament to its growing influence and potential in the DeFi space.