The world of #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 is vast, but two coins launched on $ETH a year ago managed to capture the internet’s attention: Success Kid ($SKID) and Pepe. As we celebrate the first anniversary of $SKID, we also recognize its unwavering originality amidst a sea of imitators.

The Birth of $SKID on #EthereumPower

Launched alongside Pepe on Ethereum a year ago, Success Kid ($SKID) was inspired by the iconic internet meme of the determined toddler clenching his fist in triumph. From the outset, $SKID positioned itself as the only authentic Success Kid meme coin on Ethereum.

Originality in a Sea of Imitators

Despite a wave of imitators across other blockchains, $SKID remained the sole, original Success Kid coin on Ethereum. Its commitment to transparency, creativity, and community engagement has set it apart.

A Commitment to Deliver Success

While the meme coin landscape constantly evolves, $SKID remains committed to delivering success in the long run. The community, developers, and supporters have stood firm in their dedication to authenticity, innovation, and positivity.


In the ever-evolving world of meme coins, Success Kid ($SKID) has proven that originality and authenticity reign supreme, ensuring its place as the only genuine Success Kid meme coin on Ethereum.

tg @ successkidofficial