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Can ordinary people really make a comeback through currency speculation? My own real experience. He officially entered the currency circle on February 14, 2022. Why did he suddenly enter the currency circle? Because a friend around me suddenly became rich and made 5 million at the peak of the bull market! That was 5 million. His price was beyond my understanding. My first feeling was: This is impossible, he is definitely trying to trick me! However, my biggest advantage is that I love to learn. I accidentally saw a few letters on his trading software: USDT. When I got home that night, I started looking up the letters: stablecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, perpetual contract, Ripple, etc. The more I read, the more frightened and excited I became, as if I had discovered a new world, like a wolf. Learn the knowledge and history of this currency circle like a tiger. I entered the industry hastily. In June 2022, I invested in the first project. The 40,000 yuan invested within 15 days turned into 150,000 yuan. I was shocked. I couldn’t sleep all day and night, and I fantasized all day long. I am planning to buy a villa and retire. However, the risk is approaching me. Due to my lack of experience, the continuous decline for more than half a year has already resulted in the loss of all my 110,000 profit, and I have also lost 70% of my principal. At this time, I feel like I have just dreamed of it. When I woke up, I realized that I was a fresh leek! Fortunately, I bought a large amount of pepe in early April, and my personal assets experienced a qualitative leap. In May this year, I made the inscription ORDI on BRC20, invested in pepe and earned 80% of the position. It can be said that I have already studded, and I am lucky. Yes, the bet was right.

Can ordinary people really make a comeback through currency speculation?

My own real experience.

He officially entered the currency circle on February 14, 2022. Why did he suddenly enter the currency circle? Because a friend around me suddenly became rich and made 5 million at the peak of the bull market! That was 5 million. His price was beyond my understanding. My first feeling was: This is impossible, he is definitely trying to trick me!

However, my biggest advantage is that I love to learn. I accidentally saw a few letters on his trading software: USDT.

When I got home that night, I started looking up the letters: stablecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, perpetual contract, Ripple, etc. The more I read, the more frightened and excited I became, as if I had discovered a new world, like a wolf. Learn the knowledge and history of this currency circle like a tiger.

I entered the industry hastily. In June 2022, I invested in the first project. The 40,000 yuan invested within 15 days turned into 150,000 yuan. I was shocked. I couldn’t sleep all day and night, and I fantasized all day long. I am planning to buy a villa and retire. However, the risk is approaching me. Due to my lack of experience, the continuous decline for more than half a year has already resulted in the loss of all my 110,000 profit, and I have also lost 70% of my principal. At this time, I feel like I have just dreamed of it. When I woke up, I realized that I was a fresh leek!

Fortunately, I bought a large amount of pepe in early April, and my personal assets experienced a qualitative leap. In May this year, I made the inscription ORDI on BRC20, invested in pepe and earned 80% of the position. It can be said that I have already studded, and I am lucky. Yes, the bet was right.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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投研报告之 $NOT @thenotcoin Telegram游戏项目 币安 #Binance 上线第最新一期 #Launchpool 新币挖矿项目 #Notcoin 这是一款基于 Telegram 的游戏,其玩法主要是在 Telegram 上通过点击游戏赚取收益。 项目概述 NOT采用简单的代币分配机制,玩法及其简单,无门槛,通过点屏幕挖矿,于 2024 年 1 月 1 日上线,人气很高,当前该游戏的参与用户数已经超过3500万,日均活跃达到650 万,成为 Telegram 上数据排名第五的频道Notcoin 的目标是尝试通过吸引大众的方式吸引大众进入加密货币领域,并消除处理代币的复杂障碍。 代币经济学 $NOT 的总供应量为 102,719,221,714,初始100%流通 币安Launchpool将分配总量的3% 矿工将分配总量的78% 生态系统基金总量的9% 社区激励总量的5% 开发基金总量的5% 项目优势 1. 建立在TON网络上,与Telegram深度集成合作,利用Telegram庞大的用户基础和流量入口,拥有显著的用户群体优势和网络效应 2. 玩法简单有趣,通过 Telegram 应用内的一个机器人进行游戏,通过连续点击屏幕就能来挖掘Notcoins,用户参与门槛低 3. NFT代金券系统,允许玩家将赚取的Notcoins转换为NFT代金券,这些代金券可以在$NOT代币实际发行前进行交易。这为玩家提供了一种方式,以预测并投资于代币最终的市场价格 融资与团队背景 融资情况:暂未发现 团队背景:Notcoin是Open Builders 创始人 Sasha Plotvinov 和她的团队打造的。Open Builders 是一个致力于为 TON 区块链上的项目提供融资的组织。它与 Tonstarter 相关,该平台去年成功筹集了 150 万美元的种子资金,专门用于支持基于 TON 区块链的项目 核心玩法: Toncoin持有者分配 10 亿个 NOT 代币!将最多 100 个 Toncoin 存入您的奖金账户,每天每枚TON可以获得得 5 $NOT 通过点屏幕挖矿 用户在发现 web3 产品时赚取收益 用户参与新游戏并获得更多 用户通过为生态系统增加价值来 获得收益 web3构建者可以通过 Notcoin 价格预测与如何参与 #Launchpool 目前场外价格约为 0.009U,根据以往 Launchpool 的收益率,预估价格约为 0.012U 如何参与 #Launchpool 通过链接注册:… 进入币安 Launchpad官网 【手机app首页 更多服务 理财 launchpool 质押挖矿】 只需要投入BNB或者FDUSD投入到NOT挖矿池中获得NOT奖励,NOT共计可挖矿3天

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