Binance has announced its support for the network upgrades and hard forks on the REI Network (REI) and MobileCoin (MOB). The upgrades will occur at the REI Network block height of 15,084,585 and the MobileCoin block height of 1,894,628, respectively. Ahead of the upgrades, deposits and withdrawals of REI and MOB will be suspended to ensure that users' holdings remain secure.

Binance users holding REI and MOB in their accounts will not need to take any action, as the exchange will handle all the technical requirements involved. The upgrades will not result in new tokens being created, and the trading of REI and MOB will not be affected during the network upgrades and hard forks.

Once Binance has determined that the network upgrades are stable, the exchange will reopen deposits and withdrawals for REI and MOB without any further announcement. This announcement again indicates Binance's ongoing commitment to supporting its users and ensuring a seamless user experience in the crypto market.