What Is TRON (TRX)?

TRON (TRX) is a decentralized blockchain-based operating system developed by the Tron Foundation and launched in 2017. Originally TRX tokens were ERC-20-based tokens deployed on Ethereum, but a year later they were moved to their own network.

While USDD has been criticized for borrowing heavily from the design of UST - Terra's algorithmic stablecoin which set off what was essentially a bank run and crash of the Terra ecosystem certain elements set it apart. Perhaps the most notable is the decision to opt for a guaranteed over-collateralized framework, in contrast to the undercollateralized model of UST. The cryptocurrencies used as collateral on the USDD protocol include Tron, Bitcoin, USDC and Tether.

What Makes TRON Unique?

TRON has positioned itself as an environment where content creators can connect with their audiences directly. By eliminating centralized platforms whether they are streaming services, app stores or music sites - it is hoped that creators won't end up losing as much commission to middlemen.

In turn, this could also make content less expensive for consumers. Given how the entertainment sector is increasingly becoming digitized, TRON could have a headstart in applying blockchain technology to this industry.

The company also says that it has a talented and experienced developer team, based around the world, that has been drawn from major companies such as Ripple Labs.


TRON has a total supply of just over 100 billion tokens and at the time of writing, about 71.6 billion of these are in circulation.

• When a token sale was held in 2017, 15.75 billion TRX was allocated to private investors, while an additional 40 billion were earmarked for initial coin offering participants. The Tron Foundation was given 34 billion, and a company owned by Justin Sun got 10 billion.

• All in all, this meant that 45% of TRX supply went to the founder and the project itself, while 55% was distributed among investors. Critics argue that this is a much higher ratio than what has been seen with other cryptocurrency projects.

How Is the TRON Network Secured?

TRON uses a consensus mechanism that is known as delegated proof-of-stake.

TRX owners can freeze their cryptocurrency in order to get Tron Power, which means that they can vote for "super representatives" who serve as block producers.

These block producers receive TRX rewards in exchange for verifying transactions, and these rewards are then distributed among the people who voted for them.

According to TRON, this approach helps its blockchain to achieve higher levels of throughput.

Where Can You Buy TRON (TRX)?

It is possible to buy Tron from dozens of the exchanges it is listed on - including Poloniex, Bancor, KuCoin, Binance, Bitfinex, Coinbene and

others. However, it is not supported by Coinbase.