Fellow Binancians,
Binance Margin is pleased to announce the latest increase in isolated margin borrowing limits for VIP 1-9 users. This allows for improved capital efficiency, as eligible users are now able to enjoy higher isolated margin borrowing limits across all leverage tiers depending on their VIP level. Previously, VIP 1-9 users were only eligible to enjoy higher isolated margin borrowing limits for the lowest leverage tier (i.e., Tier 10), as shown in the table below.
Example: Updates in VIP 1 Margin Borrowing Limits for BTC/USDT Isolated Margin Pair
Please note that the above data is taken at 2023-06-25. Users should refer to Margin Data for the latest comprehensive list of marginable tokens, limits, collateral ratios and interest rates.
Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions and the original English version, the English version shall prevail.
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Binance Team