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Whatโs coming this week? Chaos. I will be extremely cautious because conditions are far from ideal. Regarding earnings reports, I wonโt go into detail for two reasons: 1. Many reports contradict each other. 2. The current market uncertainty outweighs any single report coming out this week. Final words Trade like professionals. โข Risk management must be precise. โข No unnecessary trades. โข And most importantlyโif things arenโt working, step away. Itโs far better than taking losses. Wishing everyone a successful week with only good news! ๐ซถ๐ฝ
Important Post ๐ฃ I want to address a few key events that have happened and are unfolding right now. Last weekโs tech stock decline At the beginning of last week, we saw a decline in tech stocks due to a new AI tool called Deepseekโa competitor to ChatGPT. The catch? Its cost. While tech giants are pouring billions into AI development, a small group of Chinese developers managed to achieve insane results with just a $5 million budget. This doesnโt mean the major tech companies are done for, but it does raise serious questions about the massive sums being spent and the cost-benefit ratio of their AI projects. For now, Iโm watching from the sidelines. Major market gaps expected tomorrow Weโre about to open with massive downward gapsโso whatโs happening? Trump strikes again On Friday, January 31st, the White House announced new import taxes on goods from several countries: โข Mexico & Canada โ 25% import tax โข China โ 10% import tax The reasoning? The administration claims itโs a measure to tackle illegal immigration. In reality, itโs aimed at protecting domestic manufacturing and reducing the U.S. trade deficit. Of course, the affected countries strongly condemned the move, and some have already retaliated with tariffs on U.S. goods. BRICS under threat In addition, the U.S. has issued warnings to BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) against launching a new currency or moving their trade away from the U.S. dollar. The warning? Any country that refuses to comply will face a 100% tariff on its exports to the U.S. A quick refresher on BRICS: Their goal is to replace the U.S. dollar in global trade and reduce dependence on the U.S. financial system. At the beginning of January 2025, several new countries joined the BRICS alliance: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, UAE, Argentina, and Ethiopia. Why is the market dropping? A trade war is brewing, and investors hate instability. Many prefer to lock in profits or recalculate their positions rather than be exposed to a volatile and unpredictable environment.
Good afternoon, Hereโs a quick overview of the market: Weโve opened the day in the red, reminiscent of April 20th but on a smaller scale, following a few days after Japanโs interest rate hike. Unlike the previous time, this wasnโt a surpriseโit was anticipated. The last time this happened, the drop was much sharper, with declines of: โข 15% in BTC โข 4% in SPY, followed by a wild surge at the marketโs opening. Will it happen again this time? Itโs impossible to say. As Iโve mentioned before, Trump delayed the inevitable market downturn, but in the long term, I believe itโs unavoidable. In the short term, looking at reports, things seem relatively positive, as I wrote yesterday. However, always remember that anything can happen, and you must be prepared for all scenarios. Stick to your strategy, and if market conditions donโt align with it, take a step backโdonโt chase trades. Opportunities will never run out. ๐
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