🚨🚨🚨Binance delisted 9 crypto trading pairs

The Binance exchange has announced that it will again take a group of crypto trading pairs off the platform. The stock market will delist 9 trading pairs on Friday

While cryptocurrency exchanges have recently launched an intense delist fury, Binance, which implements the largest of them, will also take 9 crypto trading pairs off the platform on Friday.

Binance announced that the trading pairs that will be delisted at UTC 03.00 on Friday are as follows:


In a statement, the exchange also informed that the delisted pairs will not affect the tokens listed on the exchange and that these assets will continue to be traded in the spot area.

Bot trade services will also be taken out of the stock exchange on the same day and time.

Binance has finally taken a much-discussed step and delisted some privacy-oriented tokens, including Monero.

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