Is Ripple (XRP) the king and future of Cryptocurrencies?
Fu Zhe says:
Yes, I would bet on it, if that is what you are asking. I believe by the end of my life XRP will surpass $10,000 per coin. I know the MC would have to be insane/unrealistic, but that's my number. I think we will be using XRP very soon, possibly in a few months, maybe a year or two.
Here are my reasons why:
Certain banks are already using it, such as Bank of America.
Way quicker transaction time(seconds, not minutes) than other cryptos such as Bitcoin, or Ethereum(we are impatient).
Currently it costs about $0.20 so it's value/worth for 1 XRP is a lot closer to the value of the dollar, than 1 BTC or 1 ETH(we need familiarity). Although I think the feds will lose their shit when it is constantly above $2-4 per coin. That's when they'll take other cryptos into consideration.
The total supply is around 100 billion, so in theory everyone could get around 10-12 XRP($2) if you divvied them out equally at the current price. If it was $10k per XRP you would get about $100k, not too bad. I know socialism is bad.
XRP has the 4th largest market cap for cryptos at around $8 billion, even with its absolutely cheap price. Imagine if the our government decided to make XRP an official currency, while BTC was not; what would you do if you had BTC and no XRP? I think there would be an influx of tens of billions of dollars worth of cryptos being converted into another, at least for a short period of time.
I would deem XRP's transaction time to be quick enough for smart contracts for jobs. Imagine clocking in, working an 8 hour shift, clocking out, and waiting less than 30 seconds for your payment of XRP to be in your wallet available for you to use. And I thought getting paid weekly was good. I'm sure you would take more home and pay less income tax too.
The Feds will probably be using XRP as a substitute for a stimulus check, or at least will be an option for a payment form.