• Unstoppable provides a novel method for combining Web3 digital identification with virtual world identities.

  • Ready Player Me makes it easy to create an avatar and move it between prominent metaverses.

  • The number of Unstoppable websites in the virtual world is expanding.

With Ready Player Me, the dominant cross-game avatars technology for the metaverse, Unstoppable introduces a new approach to integrate Web3 digital identification with metaverse identity. 

People can now attach their customized Ready Player Me avatar as a PFP in their Unstoppable profile, allowing them to own their digital identity from the physical to the virtual realm. Registered Ready Player Me customers will also earn a $50 credit from Unstoppable Domains to acquire their distinctive Web3 domain.

Ready Player Me makes it simple to build an avatar and transport it across popular metaverses such as Mona, Somnium Space, Spatial, and The Nemesis. People will be able to customize their Ready Player Me avatar with Unstoppable-branded accessories to flaunt throughout Ready Player Me’s 6,000 partner applications and games as part of the interface, so they can feel and look unstoppable everywhere they roam in the virtual world. 

Furthermore, any of Unstoppable’s more than 650 integrated applications, games, and metaverses may use Login with Unstoppable to retrieve Ready Player One avatar IDs from Unstoppable profile images and use them in their applications.

Unstoppable is providing new methods to make their digital identity more unique, aesthetically vibrant, and expressive of them with Ready Player Me avatars, so users can control and display their identity across the virtual world. To begin, make your Ready Player Me avatar, submit it for a few seconds, then connect it to the Unstoppable profile to use as your PFP.

Unstoppable Websites’ presence in the metaverse is growing. Unstoppable Women of Web3, an education group for women in Web3 formed by Unstoppable SVP Sandy Carter, just opened its virtual world offices in Decentraland, providing everyone with a location to study, network, and cooperate in the metaverse. 

Anyone can utilize Unstoppable-powered Web3 domains to transfer and accept crypto, log in to a plethora of applications, entertainment, and metaverses, construct decentralized websites, and establish their Web3 identity.

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