check part 1&2

Best Practices

I've been in masterminds for the past 15+ years (starting from my previous career).

Here's what has worked for me:

🔸Keep the Groups Small

There's rarely alpha in groups that are too large (25+ people). 

No one shares alpha because too many people can't keep a secret. 

The group becomes more like a lounge or water cooler. 

I like keeping groups of around 3 to 5 people.

🔸Set the Rules

• Be active

• Don't leak alpha

• Try to stay on topic

Create your own rules and enforce them. 

Tell people what's expected when they join.

Prune Your Group

Imagine your group is now 10 people. 

5 are active and 5 rarely post - kick out the 5 that rarely post. 

You don't want leeches in your group because the active posters will start losing interest.

🔸Keep the Alpha Private

Someone invites me to a group and shares some sick alpha. 

I'm not going to make a post about it.

Don't violate someone's trust. 

Ask for permission if you want to share the information publicly.

Upgrading the Mastermind:

It doesn't have to be only telegram messages.

• You can set up weekly calls on Google meet without Cameras.  

• You can meet up at major events such as Binance Events.

It hits different when you're popping bottles together at E11EVEN.

"What about the masterminds where you pay money?"

I've never paid money for a mastermind and will never pay.

I'm guessing most of them are shit, and the only person getting value is the person charging you for it. 

The best masterminds are organic.


• The best way to get invited to some is to share interesting thoughts

• I prefer you build your own masterminds

• Small. Niche topic + small # of people

• Create rules and enforce them

• Give massive value so people will share.

I hope you've found this post helpful. 

If you want to start a mastermind, feel recruit in the comments below!

1. Follow me 


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