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BVM将所有比特币L2链数据存储到Filecoin上!具有更高的安全性和可扩展性!FIL跟SOL在20U的区域很像,大幅重新定价 #BTC #filcoin #FIL/USDT #FIL🔥🔥 $BTC $FIL
#BTC #filcoin #FIL/USDT #FIL🔥🔥 $BTC $FIL
$FIL emmmm灰度上个月加仓了$FIL ,好家伙阿度偷偷加仓结果币价越来越低,我记得灰度手上的$FIL 均价挺高的会不会有一波拉盘出货呢?可以期待一下。#filcoin {spot}(FILUSDT)
$FIL emmmm灰度上个月加仓了$FIL ,好家伙阿度偷偷加仓结果币价越来越低,我记得灰度手上的$FIL 均价挺高的会不会有一波拉盘出货呢?可以期待一下。#filcoin
FIL 短线博弈大级别涨,做多8.5附近,止损8.091。 长线博弈大级别涨,止损7.676,可在7.676止损不变、上方加仓一次,加仓7.8附近。 最低风险获取最高回报 如果我们对价值的认识能够让我们在别人都在卖出的时候买进—并且如果我们的观点时候被证明是正确的--那么这就是以最低风险获取最高回报的途径。 #filcoin #Meme #WIF #SHIB #sui $FIL $MEME $WIF
#filcoin #Meme #WIF #SHIB #sui $FIL $MEME $WIF
3月6日FIL数据:算力减61P;质押减4万;流通36万;销毁2千;FVM锁定5841万;DC增0.03P3月6日:全网算力减少了61.44PiB(目前单日算力增加最多为111P)达24.888EiB; DC真实数据24小时增加0.03P超1.83EiB即总量为1879.32PiB(10倍算力后占全网算力的74%,质押减少约0.6万FIL),CC算力5.60EiB;原始算力减少了34.7P总量达7.5EiB; 质押减少了42519FIL(目前单日质押最多为377287),销毁量增加2370FIL(目前单日销毁最多为81484)达0.39144亿个FIL,新增流通(通胀)357504FIL; 总账户数突破299万增加了2381个;存储提供商节点减少了5个 星际文件系统IPFS是一个面向全球的、点对点的分布式存储文件系统,是为了补充(取代)HTTP更快、更安全、更健壮、更持久。Filecoin是IPFS激励层,是在IPFS协议上分布式存储节点的一个激励代币,并于2020年10月15日主网正式上线。 ———————————— Filecoin统计全网有效算力24.888EiB(目前最高是25.112EiB,从上次3月5日11点30分截至3月6日11点30分在过去的24个小时里减少了0.06EIB(61.44PiB); 质押减少了42519FIL(目前质押总量最多为:176121944FIL); 销毁量增加了2370FIL; 流通量增加了357504FIL(目前单日流通增加最少是127763FIL;其中区块奖励是127572FIL,目前流通总量最多为:556600083FIL);单个区块奖励下降到9.0498FIL; 单T收益为0.0049FIL(目前最低是0.0049); 单T质押减少了0.0064FIL(单T质押到5.5936FIL); Gas为0.0115FIL(32G扇区); 总账户数突破299万增加了2381个(在3月4日,距离上次2月29日298万时相隔了4天增加了1万多); 活跃存储提供商节点2973个,减少了5个,继续努力!!! 释放总量约:7.69804亿FIL,增加了32万FIL,比10月15日之前的45万左右,减少了13万左右的FIL。 Filecoin Plus DC真实数据超1.83EiB即总量为1879.32PiB(目前最多为1879.34),过去24小时增加了0.03PiB(相当于0.3P常规算力,质押了约0.2万FIL,目前单日最高是6.09P),原始算力减少了34.7P总量达7.5EiB(目前最低是7.5EiB,其中CC数据为5.60EiB),24小时内协议收入增加了0.21万FIL,总协议收入3.99千万FIL。 Filecoin FVM虚拟机自2023年3月14日23点14分上线,截至今日共358天,已部署智能合约3.034千个。 2024年3月6日filecoin FVM智能合约构建的主要defi平台TVL总锁定FIL价值排行榜!前14名共锁定58410万美元超5841万FIL(减少530万个,目前最多为6371万)!一起为FIL通缩而努力! FVM生态项目总览,共86个(较昨天增加了0个): Defi有21个;Infra有21个;Dex有8个;Wallet有6个;Storage Solution有5个;Meme有6个;MarketPlace有4个;NFT有3个;DID有3个;Scaling有3个;Community有3个;GameFi有1个;Launchpad有1个;CEX有1个。#FIL/USDT #filcoin #FIL🔥🔥 $FIL








Filecoin Plus DC真实数据超1.83EiB即总量为1879.32PiB(目前最多为1879.34),过去24小时增加了0.03PiB(相当于0.3P常规算力,质押了约0.2万FIL,目前单日最高是6.09P),原始算力减少了34.7P总量达7.5EiB(目前最低是7.5EiB,其中CC数据为5.60EiB),24小时内协议收入增加了0.21万FIL,总协议收入3.99千万FIL。

Filecoin FVM虚拟机自2023年3月14日23点14分上线,截至今日共358天,已部署智能合约3.034千个。

2024年3月6日filecoin FVM智能合约构建的主要defi平台TVL总锁定FIL价值排行榜!前14名共锁定58410万美元超5841万FIL(减少530万个,目前最多为6371万)!一起为FIL通缩而努力!

Defi有21个;Infra有21个;Dex有8个;Wallet有6个;Storage Solution有5个;Meme有6个;MarketPlace有4个;NFT有3个;DID有3个;Scaling有3个;Community有3个;GameFi有1个;Launchpad有1个;CEX有1个。#FIL/USDT #filcoin #FIL🔥🔥 $FIL
灰度(grayscale)的平均持仓成本是 #filcoin 20u,目前fil的价格是9u出头,9~20之间应该都是相对安全的区域。 大机构也可能是大韭菜,被套了这么久,通过不断的补仓才实现了20u的平均成本。小散户完全不用迷信机构,相信自己的投研和感觉。这个世界,原本就是一个草台班子,机构也是,并不神秘。
灰度(grayscale)的平均持仓成本是 #filcoin 20u,目前fil的价格是9u出头,9~20之间应该都是相对安全的区域。
NEO 压力位24-31。 交易中,很多人会把风险和收益视为正比的关系,无论风险大小,投资回报更多是来源于对风险的规避能力。 远离风险,风险可以成为风景! #filcoin #bch #PIXEL #RONIN #strk $NEO $BCH $PIXEL
#filcoin #bch #PIXEL #RONIN #strk $NEO $BCH $PIXEL
Turning $100 into $3,443.60 with FIL Token: A Hypothetical PlanThe cryptocurrency market's potential for exponential growth attracts investors worldwide. This guide explores a hypothetical strategy to grow a $100 investment into $3,443.60 using FIL tokens, emphasizing the importance of long-term planning and market awareness. Key Investment Insights: 1.Alt-Season Potential: Cryptocurrencies often experience significant price surges during "alt seasons." Patience and timing are crucial for leveraging these market cycles. 2.Plan Feasibility: This strategy is based on historical data and market analysis, providing insights for educational purposes only. 3.Risk Warning: The crypto market is inherently volatile and risky. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult financial experts before making decisions. The Importance of Data Preprocessing in AI Data preprocessing is a critical phase in the artificial intelligence (AI) lifecycle, ensuring models are trained on clean, accurate, and well-structured data. DIN (Data Integration Network) is revolutionizing this essential step with its modular, AI-native design. What Sets DIN Apart? DIN introduces groundbreaking efficiency, scalability, and precision in data preparation for AI applications, addressing challenges such as handling unstructured, diverse, and massive datasets. Key Features of DIN: 1.Modular Structure: Seamlessly integrates with various AI frameworks and tools. 2.AI-Native Design: Learns and optimizes preprocessing pipelines over time. 3.Versatility: Handles diverse data types such as text, images, and structured data. 4.Real-Time Adaptability: Crucial for industries like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems. Benefits of DIN: 1.Automation: Reduces manual intervention in preprocessing tasks. 2.Accelerated Deployment: Shortens the time required to launch AI projects. 3.Accessibility: Lowers barriers for smaller organizations to adopt advanced AI tools. The Future with DIN DIN's modular and AI-native approach is a game-changer in AI data management. By optimizing preprocessing workflows, enhancing data quality, and democratizing AI technologies, DIN is paving the way for broader AI adoption across various industries. $FIL #FILCOIN #ThanksgivingBTCMoves {spot}(FILUSDT)

Turning $100 into $3,443.60 with FIL Token: A Hypothetical Plan

The cryptocurrency market's potential for exponential growth attracts investors worldwide. This guide explores a hypothetical strategy to grow a $100 investment into $3,443.60 using FIL tokens, emphasizing the importance of long-term planning and market awareness.

Key Investment Insights:

1.Alt-Season Potential: Cryptocurrencies often experience significant price surges during "alt seasons." Patience and timing are crucial for leveraging these market cycles.
2.Plan Feasibility: This strategy is based on historical data and market analysis, providing insights for educational purposes only.
3.Risk Warning: The crypto market is inherently volatile and risky. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult financial experts before making decisions.

The Importance of Data Preprocessing in AI

Data preprocessing is a critical phase in the artificial intelligence (AI) lifecycle, ensuring models are trained on clean, accurate, and well-structured data. DIN (Data Integration Network) is revolutionizing this essential step with its modular, AI-native design.

What Sets DIN Apart?

DIN introduces groundbreaking efficiency, scalability, and precision in data preparation for AI applications, addressing challenges such as handling unstructured, diverse, and massive datasets.

Key Features of DIN:

1.Modular Structure: Seamlessly integrates with various AI frameworks and tools.
2.AI-Native Design: Learns and optimizes preprocessing pipelines over time.
3.Versatility: Handles diverse data types such as text, images, and structured data.
4.Real-Time Adaptability: Crucial for industries like healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.

Benefits of DIN:

1.Automation: Reduces manual intervention in preprocessing tasks.
2.Accelerated Deployment: Shortens the time required to launch AI projects.
3.Accessibility: Lowers barriers for smaller organizations to adopt advanced AI tools.

The Future with DIN

DIN's modular and AI-native approach is a game-changer in AI data management. By optimizing preprocessing workflows, enhancing data quality, and democratizing AI technologies, DIN is paving the way for broader AI adoption across various industries.
$FIL #FILCOIN #ThanksgivingBTCMoves
FIL 某游资用半年时间 空仓大盘翻10倍 一、一周只出手一次,只做情绪当个品种到达一个冰点的转折品种,相对的泳点,不管他是什么板块,哪个能率先举起二连涨,甚至三连涨,别是在大盘不好的情况下出现,你直接先介入。 二、当一个周期都持续下跌。当你身边人都不相信这个市场的时候,主力往往喜欢悄悄提前进场,观察那些突然有二涨或者三涨的,只要大盘稍稍企稳它往往是下一轮周期的龙头。 三、半年时间只要抓住25个10%就可以翻10倍,保证每次只找那个转折点,其他时间都不要参与。 #FIL.智能策略库 🥇🥇 #FIL/USDT #filcoin #Filecoin. #Meme $FIL
#FIL.智能策略库 🥇🥇

#FIL/USDT #filcoin #Filecoin. #Meme $FIL
NEAR 教你五招 轻松拿捏大盘 第一、永远不要追高,只买低位的品种只要你这个品种不太垃圾,不会被大所下架退市,迟早会起来一波行情。 第二、不做短线,只做中长线我们要有耐心,做短线对技术、心态、时间、精力都要求很高,是难度最大的散户优势是时间,看周线日线低点介入等待就行。 第三、不要买超过三个品种5亿以内不要超过三个品种你买两个品种同时翻一倍的概率肯定比你买10个翻一倍的概率大。 第四、就是降低期望值别总想着买一年翻几倍几十倍然后涨了都不卖,反复坐过山车,如果你不会卖就等主升浪上涨的时候碰到历史高点附近就卖。 第五、就是降低交易频率散户别想着每天每周去交易,这样最终大概率是亏损的,空仓的确很难受但要克服,你可以每个月做一次交易,每次抓准。 #near #RONIN #WIF #tia #filcoin $NEAR $TIA $FIL
#near #RONIN #WIF #tia #filcoin $NEAR $TIA $FIL
#BTC‬ #ETH合约 #filcoin #COS 行情分析 今天大饼开始反弹接近新高,上方有些压制,感觉要冲高回落,最近还在做多的人要控制好仓位,做好止损 姨太一直在区间震荡,午间做了笔空单,3900附近出了,目前如果做空还是建议小仓位短周期为主 fill涨势有些慢下来了,早上不知道为啥就想空它,看来感觉还是比较准的,后市应该还会回调 cos虽然今日涨幅不多,但是据说他们团队也在做事情,后市可能会有一定的涨幅
#BTC‬ #ETH合约 #filcoin #COS 行情分析



fil这个垃圾!我还有没有救啊呜呜#filcoin $FIL
fil这个垃圾!我还有没有救啊呜呜#filcoin $FIL
On the monthly chart of $FIL , a descending triangle pattern has been forming since early 2023, with strong support at $3.50 and dynamic resistance that continues to decline. Currently, the price has shown significant accumulation in the support area, indicating a potential trend reversal in the medium to long term. If the price manages to break through the main resistance around $20.14, this will be a strong bullish breakout signal. The first upside target after the breakout is at $27.50, which is the previous resistance zone and an important area for traders to watch for selling pressure. Furthermore, if the bullish momentum continues, the next target is in the range of $37.50 to $42.50, which is a historical resistance level as well as a potential new distribution zone. However, if the price fails to break through the $20.14 resistance or falls back below the $3.50 support, this could open up opportunities for a continuation of the bearish trend. In a bearish scenario, the price could potentially fall towards the next psychological support level, but given the accumulation pattern seen, this scenario is less likely. Additional indicators such as trading volume suggest a reduction in selling pressure, supporting the possibility of a bullish breakout. Traders are advised to watch for confirmation of a breakout above $20.14 with high volume before taking a position to capitalize on the opportunities of a larger uptrend. #BecomeCreator #FILCOIN #altcoinbullish #BTC☀ #ETH/USDT {spot}(FILUSDT)
On the monthly chart of $FIL , a descending triangle pattern has been forming since early 2023, with strong support at $3.50 and dynamic resistance that continues to decline. Currently, the price has shown significant accumulation in the support area, indicating a potential trend reversal in the medium to long term.
If the price manages to break through the main resistance around $20.14, this will be a strong bullish breakout signal. The first upside target after the breakout is at $27.50, which is the previous resistance zone and an important area for traders to watch for selling pressure. Furthermore, if the bullish momentum continues, the next target is in the range of $37.50 to $42.50, which is a historical resistance level as well as a potential new distribution zone.

However, if the price fails to break through the $20.14 resistance or falls back below the $3.50 support, this could open up opportunities for a continuation of the bearish trend. In a bearish scenario, the price could potentially fall towards the next psychological support level, but given the accumulation pattern seen, this scenario is less likely.

Additional indicators such as trading volume suggest a reduction in selling pressure, supporting the possibility of a bullish breakout. Traders are advised to watch for confirmation of a breakout above $20.14 with high volume before taking a position to capitalize on the opportunities of a larger uptrend.
#BecomeCreator #FILCOIN #altcoinbullish #BTC☀ #ETH/USDT
暴跌分为大盘暴跌和个币暴跌,暴跌往往会出现机会,暴跌往往是重大利空或者偶然事件造成的,在大盘相对高点出现的暴跌要谨慎对待,但对于大涨之后出现的暴跌,你就应该选择品种了,很多牛币的机会就是跌出来的。 #WIF #filcoin #bch #SSV #near $WIF $BCH $FIL
#WIF #filcoin #bch #SSV #near $WIF $BCH $FIL
Fil币,全称为Filecoin,是一个去中心化的存储网络,它不仅仅是一种加密货币,更是一种对未来互联网世界的憧憬和承诺。在这个数字化迅速发展的时代,数据存储和隐私保护成为了人们关注的焦点。而Filecoin,正是在这样的背景下诞生的,它代表了一种全新的数据存储和共享方式。 Filecoin的核心理念是将全球的闲置存储空间利用起来,形成一个庞大的去中心化存储网络。通过智能合约,Filecoin允许用户租用这些空间来存储数据,同时激励那些提供存储空间的矿工。这种方式不仅提高了存储效率,降低了成本,更重要的是,它保证了数据的安全性和隐私性。 在这个网络中,没有中心化的控制,数据不再集中存储于几个大型数据中心,而是分散在全球各地的节点上。这样的分布式存储方式极大地提高了数据的抗风险能力,即使某个节点出现问题,也不会影响整个系统的运行。这对于个人用户来说,意味着他们的数据更加安全,对于企业来说,则意味着业务的连续性和稳定性得到了保障。 Filecoin的另一个重要意义在于,它为数据的所有权和使用权提供了新的视角。在传统的互联网模式中,用户的数据往往被中心化的平台所控制,而在Filecoin的网络中,用户对自己的数据拥有完全的控制权。这种模式不仅保护了用户的隐私,也为数据的商业化提供了更多可能性。 随着技术的不断进步和区块链应用的普及,Filecoin的潜力正在逐渐被挖掘。它不仅仅是一种加密货币,更是一种对未来互联网世界的构想。在这个构想中,数据是去中心化的,价值是共享的,而每一个参与其中的人,都是这个网络的守护者和受益者。 Filecoin的未来是充满希望的。它不仅仅是一种技术革新,更是一种社会进步的体现。$FIL #filcoin #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥





Filecoin的未来是充满希望的。它不仅仅是一种技术革新,更是一种社会进步的体现。$FIL #filcoin #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥
Today's Hottest Coins: Top Trending Picks: Bitgert, Kaspa, Filecoin, Floki Bitgert (BRISE)Bitgert has captured attention due to its ambitious aim to build a blockchain ecosystem that rivals Ethereum in speed and cost-efficiency. With its BRISE chain claiming a capacity of up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS) and nearly zero transaction fees, it is designed to attract developers and users frustrated by higher costs and slower speeds on other networks. Bitgert’s ecosystem includes DeFi products, NFTs, and a DEX, making it a multifaceted project appealing to both investors and blockchain developers . Kaspa (KAS)Kaspa stands out with its novel approach to blockchain architecture. Utilizing the GHOSTDAG protocol, Kaspa aims to solve the scalability issues plaguing many blockchains by allowing multiple blocks to coexist and be ordered in a blockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). With increasing adoption and a growing developer community, Kaspa is gaining traction as a scalable alternative to traditional blockchain models . Filecoin (FIL):Filecoin has established itself as a leader in decentralized storage solutions. Leveraging blockchain technology, it offers a marketplace for users to buy and sell storage space. Floki (FLOKI):Inspired by the popular meme coin trend, Floki combines the playful spirit of meme coins with serious utility projects. Named after Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, Floki has built a strong community and is expanding into areas such as NFTs and the metaverse. The coin’s strategic partnerships and continuous community engagement have significantly boosted its profile, attracting both retail investors and crypto enthusiasts. #FLOKI? #filcoin #bitgert #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024
Today's Hottest Coins: Top Trending Picks: Bitgert, Kaspa, Filecoin, Floki
Bitgert (BRISE)Bitgert has captured attention due to its ambitious aim to build a blockchain ecosystem that rivals Ethereum in speed and cost-efficiency. With its BRISE chain claiming a capacity of up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS) and nearly zero transaction fees, it is designed to attract developers and users frustrated by higher costs and slower speeds on other networks. Bitgert’s ecosystem includes DeFi products, NFTs, and a DEX, making it a multifaceted project appealing to both investors and blockchain developers .
Kaspa (KAS)Kaspa stands out with its novel approach to blockchain architecture. Utilizing the GHOSTDAG protocol, Kaspa aims to solve the scalability issues plaguing many blockchains by allowing multiple blocks to coexist and be ordered in a blockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). With increasing adoption and a growing developer community, Kaspa is gaining traction as a scalable alternative to traditional blockchain models .
Filecoin (FIL):Filecoin has established itself as a leader in decentralized storage solutions. Leveraging blockchain technology, it offers a marketplace for users to buy and sell storage space.
Floki (FLOKI):Inspired by the popular meme coin trend, Floki combines the playful spirit of meme coins with serious utility projects. Named after Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, Floki has built a strong community and is expanding into areas such as NFTs and the metaverse. The coin’s strategic partnerships and continuous community engagement have significantly boosted its profile, attracting both retail investors and crypto enthusiasts.
#FLOKI? #filcoin #bitgert #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024
浅谈#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #COS #filcoin 大饼如昨天所说,继续向下寻找支撑,跌破62000之后立刻快速下跌至59600,今天午间反弹回62000附近,目前还未突破,日线不断下探,周线来看macd出现死叉,后面可能会继续下跌,做好止损 FIL/USDT的K线图显示短期内价格跌破了几条移动平均线,预示可能的短期下跌趋势。RSI指标显示市场情绪中性,没有过分的买卖信号。MACD指示短期内可能有下跌动力。总体来看,市场情绪和趋势不明确,应关注网络升级和硬分叉对市场的潜在影响。 cos虽然下跌动力不强,但是卖盘量能不低,且市场情绪显示中性,指标显示短期可能有下跌可能 #COS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #BTC💰智能多空策略
浅谈#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #COS #filcoin



#COS.智能策略库🥇🥇 #BTC💰智能多空策略
#filcoin 今日的涨势📈多多少少跟灰度加仓有关。 近七天灰度加仓53万左右的fil
#filcoin 今日的涨势📈多多少少跟灰度加仓有关。 近七天灰度加仓53万左右的fil
fil币:个人预估价格在95~120之间,甚至更高,应该 类似于sol有一个快速拉升的过程。#币圈资讯 #filcoin
类似于sol有一个快速拉升的过程。#币圈资讯 #filcoin
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