How to Trade Binance Options?

2022-09-08 09:17

Tutorial video

Trading Options on Binance is easy. To start, you will first need to activate your Options account, transfer assets to your Options Wallet, and access the Options Trading interface to view the full range of options tradable on Binance.

1. Activate your Options account

1.1 Log in to your Binance account and click [Futures] - [Options].

1.2 Confirm you’ve read and agree to the Terms of Use, then click [Open Options Account]. You will see a tutorial about Options trading on Binance.

1.3 After that, you will be redirected to the Market view, which displays all traded Options and the order book.

2. Fund Your Options Wallet

2.1 Mouseover the wallet icon and click [Options]. Click [Transfer].

2.2 Enter the amount you want to transfer from your Spot Wallet to your Options Wallet. Click [Transfer].

3. Buy Options

3.1 Select the underlying asset you want to trade at the top of the screen.

3.2 Select a Call Option or a Put Option to open a position.

3.3 Once you have selected a Call or Put Option, you will see the [Trading Panel]. Click on the arrow to view market details, or click on the candlestick symbol to switch to the trading interface.

3.4 Choose your order type.

  • Best-Bid-Offer (BBO) uses the best ask price (lowest sell price on the order book) for a buy order, or the best bid price (highest buy price in the order book) for a sell order.
  • Limit order allows you to customize a limit price for your order.

Please note: Binance Options only support limit orders.

Best-Bid-Offer (BBO) is a limit order that uses the best ask price as the limit price (lowest sell price on the order book) for a buy order, or the best bid price (highest buy price in the order book) as the limit price for a sell order.

3.5 Enter the [Price] and [Amount] and click [Buy] to place your Call or Put Option. The premium will be deducted in USDT from your Options Wallet.

4. Manage your orders and positions

4.1 You can use the [Positions] tab to monitor your open positions. It will show you the amount of time before the Options expire. If you want to transfer this Options contract to another trader, click [Close Position] next to it and enter a sell price.

4.2 You can also view past trading data, including your open orders, order history, trade history, exercised history, and transaction history.

Open Orders

Order History (Supports up to the last 30 days' order history)

Trade History

Exercised History

Transaction History

5. Manage Your Options Wallet

5.1 You can access your Options Wallet from the top right corner of the trading interface by clicking [Wallet].

5.2 You can also monitor your open positions directly from the Options Wallet.

6. Customize Your Market List View
You can enable more columns to be displayed on the market list from the [Trading Panel]. Click on the [Preferences] icon and check the box next to the column you wish to view. You can enable Last Price, Bid/Ask Size, High/Low, Leverage, Volume, Gamma, Vega, and Theta.