**SOLD OUT!**all the remaining Taproot Wizards sold out with a final clearing price of 0.31 BTCwe expect to distribute all Taproot Wizards to minters within the next 24 hours. we will update you he
Bearish sentiment from the weekly @AAIISentiment survey came in above 50% for the 5th straight week. 4th time since 1987 we've had a 5-week streak, last one was October '22 at the bear market low but prior to that it was January '08 in the early days of the Financial Crisis. pic.twitter.com/J05TLW5gJp
I was just told that @eBay is aware of this, but is choosing to not do anything about it. First time I have felt discriminated against since going free.Gee, m
而根據前 Fox Business 記者 Eleanor Terrett 分享的資訊顯示,參議院於今早以 70 比 28 的最終投票結果通過了《國會審查法案》(CRA),第二次推翻了國稅局(IRS)關於 DeFi 經紀商的規則。
NEW: The Senate has just passed the CRA to nullify the IRS DeFi broker rule for a second time with a final vote of 70-28. Now it’s on to @realDonaldTrump’s desk.
— Eleanor Terrett (@EleanorTerrett) March 27, 2025
這一政策目標雖然是為了保護美國在地企業,但關稅的增加除了會導致部分依賴進口的企業營運成本增加以外,其他國家實施報復性關稅所衍生的貿易戰也將對美國出口企業甚至全球市場造成影響。除此之外,關稅的增加也可能導致美國面臨通膨加劇與經濟衰退的風險。根據 Tax Foundation Analysis,25% 的關稅可能導致長期 GDP 減少 0.2%,影響 223,000 個全職工作崗位。這樣的不確定性使得全球金融市場在過去一個月籠罩在避險情緒之中,避險資產普遍表現不佳。
在週二的另一項發展中,川普家族支持的去中心化金融項目 World Liberty Financial(WLFI)宣布其計劃推出美元穩定幣 USD1。該代幣將 100% 由美國短期公債、美元存款及其他約當現金支持,並將首先在以太坊(Ethereum)區塊鏈和幣安智慧鏈(BSC)上發行。相關報導:《川普家族支持的 WLFI 計劃發行機構級穩定幣 USD1,儲