Binance Feed Creator Common Q&A
Common Questions
I can’t see Feed on my Binance app
Please ensure that your app has been updated to version 2.57 or above. Also, Binance Feed is only available on the “Pro” version. If you still can’t see Binance Feed, please contact our BD manager and provide your device model, BUID and a screenshot.
What should I do if I encounter “error 404” on the Binance Feed website page
If you’re still unable to use other trading features on the Binance website, please try switching your internet connection to 4G, Wifi or VPN (NOTE: When using VPN, please do not connect to a server IP in a restricted country such as United States, Singapore, etc).
How do I start posting after being on-boarded as a Binance Feed Creator?
Web: Login and visit: https://www.binance.info/en/activity/referral-pro
App: Ensure your app has been updated to version 2.57 and above
Scroll down and find “Explore” on your Binance app homepage. You’ll see the “+” icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. Click on “+” to post
I can’t find “Binance Feed '' or “Post” on my Binance app after updating the Binance app version.
Please contact our BD manager and provide your device model, BUID and a screenshot, we’ll help to check and open the access for you.
How could I introduce others to join Binance Feed as content creators?
Please kindly visit our application form page and submit your application.
How do I modify my nickname and avatar?
Please login to the Binance Feed Creator backstage on the web version to edit your personal information. For your avatar please upload a square image file.
How could my content be selected for the “Featured Content” list?
Every week we’ll select long article posts with highest user engagement stats, including views, likes and shares. If you keep producing high quality content, you will have a better chance of being selected as “featured content”.
Could I copy and paste pictures while editing content?
For now the mobile app version doesn’t support this feature. You can copy and paste pictures on the long article editor on the web version of Binance Feed. Please don’t move your mouse while uploading the pictures to avoid the upload failing (we are still working on this bug).
Why is the number of likes I see on the Binance Feed not directly proportional to the number of views in my creator backstage?
For now our algorithm does not count the views on the Binance Feed main page in the number of views. If users see your short article on the Feed page and click like without clicking into the details of your article, the view won’t be counted into the total views in your creator backstage.
Why do I sometimes find “The content does not exist” while visiting some creator’s profile page?
Normally it’s due to an internet connection issue. Please change your internet connection or VPN regions and refresh your page after a while. If you’re using a VPN to visit Binance Feed, please make sure that you’re not connected to restricted country IP such as the United States or Singapore.
About Posting Content
What kind of content is allowed? Are we allowed to post crypto/blockchain related news?
We allow objective statements and reporting of facts and news about the crypto and blockchain industry and market generally, including news about crypto/blockchain market leaders/players. However your posts must be true. They must not contain any falsehoods or misleading information.
Please also be reminded that you cannot represent your statements as financial advice.
Which kind of content is prohibited?
Content that breaks any laws
Content that specifically mentions users in any country
Defamation, falsehoods, spam, or content that could damage the Binance platform
Phishing, files, external links, threats, or content that could put users at risk
Content that promotes the use of Binance’s competitors (other than factual news reports)
This summary list is not exhaustive. Please read more details in our Terms and Conditions.
Which kind of content is preferred?
There are no set parameters in terms of which type of content is preferred. We let users decide what they prefer/wish to read. Below are the kinds of content users would likely prefer to read the most (based on recent data).
Industry news: Comments and analysis on the industry headlines of the day, especially related to industry giants. For example: news about top 50 tokens/projects, major non-crypto companies engaging with crypto, security incidents.
Data and market analysis: long-term or short-term trend analysis of currency prices. You can refer to “Top Gainer'' and “Highlight” in the Binance market data, or use other tools.
Key market indicators: Analysis of key indicators commonly used in the market to analyze market trends, such as US CPI, whale holdings/movements, on-chain data, bulk buy/sell, Bull and Bear Index.
Interpretation of regulatory policies: Impact of a government’s regulatory policies on crypto use, tax laws, CBDCs, and other effects, etc on the industry.
Industry introduction and user education: Promote crypto literacy and basic knowledge of the crypto industry; help both beginner and advanced users to navigate the industry, and participate in industry development.
Asset security: Provide analysis for chain attacks such as this year's Nomad Bridge hack and the NFT PDF document phishing attack on Opensea. Analyze events and provide insights that will enhance users’ knowledge and application of security concepts.
Analysis of institutional reports: Analysis and summary of industry reports regularly released by analysts and institutions, for example: a16z, Messari, CoinMarketCap, Nansen, Chainalysis, etc.
Industry leaders’ and influencers’ insights: Analyze and react to influencers' views on the industry based on their public statements, tweets, etc.
Industry adoption: Adoption of blockchain technology by governments and industries, real-world applications of blockchain technology, taking readers through the progress of Web 3 and the Metaverse.
Important forums or lectures: Records or summaries of lectures and interviews at EthCC, Binance Blockchain Week and other important events.
Exclusive interviews: Interviews with key figures in the blockchain industry.
Do you allow any sponsor content from third parties?
Please refer to Binance Feed Community Platform Terms and Conditions, para 13: "... If a post is sponsored, you shall expressly state so. We reserve the right to reject, take down, or amend posts to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements...".
What is the target audience of Binance Feed now? What languages does it cover? Should we post in our local language?
At the moment, only posting in English, Chinese, and Russian are supported, but we are seeking the opportunity to expand Binance Feed to other languages soon. Stay tuned.
About Feed Features
When will the comment feature be available?
Comments from KYC users will be available soon in Dec, 2022.
When will the video upload option be available?
Our product team is currently exploring the possibility of creating video integration features.
When will the gallery tab feature for similar uploaded images be available?
We will keep you posted once any new related features are available for use.
Why do my posts have less exposure than I expect? What actions does the team take to increase the content exposure on Binance Feed?
We are developing a personalization model to show more relevant content to our users.
Please note the ranking logic will consider the performance of the content, which means that not every piece of content will have the same traffic.
The more high quality content you create, more chances of you getting greater exposure to viewers.
Will there be an option for users to only see content from the creators they follow?
The “following” tab feature has already been made available on November 10, 2022. Only the content from the creators you are following will be displayed in this tab.
Could you increase the number of characters in the BITs (short posts)?
Please use the long article option. It supports a maximum of 100k characters
It would be good if there is an algorithm that shows us “Creator of the day” ranked by engagement, likes and shares.
We are already working on similar features. Please stay tuned.