The FED kept the rates stable. Everyone following fiscal news around the world knew they would. News coming from the ECB days earlier also confirmed the decision.
So, what? We had a mini pump, mostly driven by the narrative selling this as good news, and now a small “correction”. I really wonder why people care that much about issues that have zero impact on crypto historically. They never matter and will never matter if we grow to become what we are designed to be. Everyone in here believes that crypto is the way out, and instead of pumping it hard after every failure of the legacy system, you prefer to panic for no reason. The US represents just a part of crypto asset holdings. Their regulatory approach is unreliable and fails to even receive support from the judicial system. The largest projects are incorporated outside the US. Who cares about the US? Let them be little. Switzerland, even the EU with the MICa rules, China, Japan, the UAE and Dubai’s VARA, show a more responsible approach towards crypto.
Simpleton pseudoeconomists maintain that the performance of a de facto decentralised structure is tied to the macroeconomic performance of the US, which is a contradictio in terminis. Yes, fed and unemployment rates etc are important for the US stock market and investments. Not for crypto. If they were important we’d see yesterday’s mini pump maintained till the next meeting. Not for a duration of 24h.
On the regulatory frontier, Gary is obviously acting according to plan. Everyone is panicking. It is obvious they’ll try to attack crypto prior to the halving. Nothing is a coincidence, and hence the ETHETF decision is set on the 23rd of April, close to the expected halving date. My question though is, why people who celebrated the ETFBTC are now feared of ETH being possibly deemed as a security from the US Securities Commission? I mean you can’t be slightly centralised. If you cheered a centralised BTC with the ETF, you should applaud the possibility of deeming ETH a security. You think this wouldn’t attract investors in the space? Why don’t you care about ETH not being ever possibly deemed as a security by eg the EU, or China, or the UAE, or Japan? Do you even realise than an asset can be considered a security in one country and not a security in another? ETH cannot be deemed a security, Ever. It will take years and years for legal cases to be settled in court, and trust me “bro”, in two years, time with the current rate of adoption of crypto, the US will be the one that will return begging even for a ShitcoinETF.
So, let’s cut the crap. Focus on what is coming and how we can build defences against a corrupt legacy system trying to take over. Good news is that probably the halving will arrive a couple of days earlier. This milestone is important for the sentiment and will drive prices to where they should be. They need to pump hard not to make us money, don’t be greedy, but in order to represent the dynamics and potential of this bloody industry and community.
Instead of losing yourself in trading crypto for a few bucks buying the rumors and selling the news, see the bigger picture, support the industry, and realise it is time to FOMO, esp if the halving comes around the 13th or 15th of April.