Top Two Countries to Use Crypto in 2024: Nigeria and Turkey

Statista statistics showing the percentage of people owning bitcoin and the pace of crypto adoption in 56 nations as of February 2024 shows that Nigeria and Turkey are at the top.

Several European and North American nations score far lower than the others. Consumer Insights conducted a global survey of internet users all around the globe to get this data.

More than 2 million people from chosen nations are taking part. The poll was conducted from January to December of 2023. Each nation had a range of 451 to 10,048 respondents, aged 18 to 64. The survey's question was:

"Which of these investment options and financial products are you presently utilizing or possessing?"

There are three continents represented among the top five nations by percentage of cryptocurrency owners.Notably, at the top of the list are Turkey and Nigeria. Each of the two nations has captured 47% of the market.

This amounts to almost 50% of their corresponding populations. Among the countries whose populations possess cryptocurrency tokens, 43% are Thai, followed by Nigeria and Turkey.In the top five nations, we find the UAE at 31% and Vietnam at 39%, both of which fall within the 30%-40% range.

The following countries, in that sequence: Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Sri Lanka, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Switzerland, and Colombia, each accounting for 29% to 20% of the total. On a more subdued scale, the US ranks 20th at 18%.

The United Kingdom ranked 35th with 14%, followed by South Korea with 17% and Australia with 16%. Japan, on the other hand, received the fewest votes, with just 6% of the total.

When looking at continents as a whole, the number of nations with considerable crypto adoption is lowest in Africa. But it also has the second-highest proportion of any country in the world.

Conversely, adoption rates in South America are much greater than in other continents.

There is less variety across specific nations in terms of adoption share elsewhere, even though it is more dispersed.

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