According to Odaily, Ethereum (ETH) has regained its position above the 3000 USDT mark. The latest data shows that ETH is currently trading at 3015 USDT. Despite a minor dip of 0.1% in the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency has managed to stay above the significant 3000 USDT threshold. This development is noteworthy in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, where prices can fluctuate dramatically within short periods. The slight decrease in value does not seem to have deterred ETH from maintaining its position above 3000 USDT.

The cryptocurrency market is known for its rapid changes, and Ethereum's ability to hold its ground above the 3000 USDT mark is a positive sign for investors and traders. This could potentially indicate a level of stability for the cryptocurrency, despite the minor dip in the last 24 hours. However, as with any investment, caution is advised as the market can shift rapidly. The current trading value of ETH at 3015 USDT is a key point of interest for those involved in the cryptocurrency market.