Income of $60,000 puts you in top 1%.

-$15,000 taxes

-$30,000 living expenses

+$15,000 remaining

Would likely take two years of 100% allocation and full conviction to #Bitcoin    to acquire 1 whole #BTC . 😮

99% of the world is already priced out of one whole #Bitcoin    while global #BTC    adoption is 0.05% (ish). 👀

As little as 1 in 30 USD millionaires (2023) will get 1 whole #Bitcoin   . 🤯

The VAST MAJORITY of people won't be talking in terms of #Bitcoin    but in terms of sats.

Sat-Cent Parity: $1,000,000🟢

Sat-Dollar Parity: $100,000,000🟢

These moments will bring in massive perspective shift.

Soon the majority of companies will be "priced out" of 1 whole #Bitcoin    in the same way most people have already been priced out of owning a whole coin. 📈

If you're allocating >$15,000 to #BTC    annually... You're probably ahead 99% of the world even if they had conviction in #BTC   .

We are at the tail end of this rare period where the majority talked in terms of whole coins... 2009-2020s. 🧡