Lucky S family, we said it, we were silent for a long time, why? Because the market was stagnant. Now I see that everyone has become a crypto commentator. It is easy to foresee when it is rising, but when the market is stagnant, friends who collect silently sit back and wait. I cannot see the future, but I will make a small comment, there are many coins that will make 200% this year. It is not investment advice. But the one I expect the most is 40109298769100$ banko has a guarantee, won't we buy small alt coins? We will buy with lots of zeros, but I say 40109298769 for 60% of the money, you can buy alt coins with lots of zeros with the remaining 40%? this is because it is hard to predict what small coins with lots of zeros will do #bitcoin while flying slowly and it may collapse in a small #bitcoin fall, but I am waiting for the coins that have their feet firmly on the ground to stay between us (left).
Relax, if you are reading this article, you are with us.
Friends, we don't want anyone to lose, but if my friends who sell at a loss while it is still falling and enter with the hope of taking out their losses in small movements or that it will rise, look at my old posts, our strategy is clear, if we do not make planned purchases, we will lose. Best regards to my friends who stick to the plan.
The index has turned green, let's see who will lose again. Those who do not wait patiently and get caught up in the mentality of flying away immediately will lose.
There is resistance at the #btc 63500 point. If it breaks, the next point is 64500. There is no chance of breaking there this week. Friends, it will fall back to the 55k band. Our expectations for the month of summer are not very high. Good news continues to come, on a small scale but full of nice surprises. Stay safe.
Alt coins are trying to recover little by little, in my opinion, this is not a return signal, so I do not recommend you to buy, if you have money inside, stay, otherwise continue to follow, there will be better points where we can buy, opportunities will arise, it may be different for my friends who will make gradual purchases, it is good to make a small 10% purchase and wait for later opportunities. it could be. We don't want anyone to suffer any harm, so we're still approaching it cautiously. I'm reading some advice. #btc When it starts to hold on at a certain level, money will flow to alt coins, there will be unexpected alt coin rallies, friends, nothing is risk-free, but we should not forget that when #btc rises to 5%, the alt coins make 25%, when it falls to #btc %2, the alt coins are destroyed. Keep this in mind so that we do not lose money and continue to collect little by little until there is a solid rise at #btc 🤗
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Friends, let's clarify this issue. There are many people who always write things here, their own comments, and I read them in general. Okay, it's true, there are whales in the crypto exchange, but there are also whales among those who comment and share their humble opinion. Those who always write bad comments are written by those who know, and those who don't know, constantly criticize people with bad comments (example: #btc ) and with it the alt coins will collapse. ) a man has bought it and has a loss due to the height, he sells at a loss due to such whales and people commenting who do not understand the market. Fifteen days and a month later, the stock market rises. I wish I hadn't sold it. God gave me wisdom and willpower. Always listen to yourself on the spot. Your own comments are more valuable. Just like we invest in companies that are too big to fail in the stock market, investing in powerful coins with a bright future will not cause us any harm in the long run (example: #AVAX✈️ is not investment advice.) But it will not last long. If you are going to sell at a loss, do not enter. When we look at the past data, no one made a loss in long-term investments, on the contrary, they came out with a huge profit and entered again after big declines and corrections and added money to their money with their profits. This environment is not gambling, it is investment, so dear friends, I wish good luck to my investor friends, we will be patient and we will win together.
#btc There are many people who are giving bad news about #btc . There is some truth in this part. It will make a correction again, then they say enter and buy. It is 100% true, but the scenario they have drawn is very bad. #btc will collapse, do not enter, etc., nonsense, in every decline, the one who enters gradually wins, master 1st step 20% 2 .step 26% 3rd step lethal hit 54% is more logical as the ship takes on water but does not sink.
Everyone wants #btc to be constantly upward, for the stock market to be green, of course, these are what we want to see, but this comes with patience. Isn't this the law of nature that it takes from the impatient and gives to the patient?
If it breaks the #btc 67.300 band, it is likely to reach 68k and then 72k band in a few days, but if it cannot break, a gradual decline to 58k band awaits us. We can expect it to reach its previous levels for a long time, so I think it would be better to be cautious. Risk management is very important in such active periods. yt is not.
It is likely that we will continue to wait for now. There will be a new buying opportunity in a few days. Don't miss the opportunity and be left behind. No one wants to buy high and sell at a loss.
Friends, if there is a resistance of #btc 73 k, if it cannot be broken, it may fall down again to 55 k levels and panic sales may come and affect us badly. You can switch to 25% profit in cash and have the advantage.
If you look at my old posts, you will see that what we said is that you need to read the stock market well. What I mean by reading is not just data analysis, I mean understanding how much it is affected by external factors and who manipulates the market. Currently, there are many people in the crypto world who lost their property, took out loans and went bankrupt, as we said before, download some of them and move on. Because those who made large-scale investments dropped the market before toweling off and small investors will add their money to their treasury when it rises, I mean, don't lose it too, be patient, after all, they will have it done to regain the huge money they left inside and why shouldn't we win with them? Be alert, bull season is just beginning, good luck, friends. $BTC #havling #BOĞADAYIZ
I told you yesterday that #btc will drop to 61k levels again in a few days and we will continue to make our investments gradually. Good news, stay tuned, good luck, friends.
Friends, another decline, albeit small-scale, is expected. We will be patient and when making purchases and additions, please keep 30% of our money in cash now and 35% in the next decrease, not all of our money in cash. It will always be the part that makes us profitable when a cash purchase opportunity arises.