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The main problem with Web3 marketing: focusing on hype and ignoring real users. You ask why? Because big prizes have become the core of Web3 marketing. But giving away rewards is not Web3 marketing, or what we call MarketingFi. 😅 Projects distribute their marketing budgets to everyone who likes and follows their Twitter posts. But that's not the potential that MarketingFi brings: instead of rewarding everyone for small actions, MarketingFi brings rewards to users who bring quality to projects through participation in marketing activities. 🚀 Similar problems persist in Web3 KOL marketing. Projects often onboard shillers that quickly create hype with bot counts and do not attract real users. You ask why? Because they want to 'quick hype' and don't have a way to measure the real impact of their campaigns. 😂 So what exactly is MarketingFi and how can Web3 achieve it? MarketingFi means data-driven marketing decisions in an ecosystem where users are not just customers, but co-creators and co-owners. A significant shift in the thinking of Web3 marketers is needed. Projects need to stop thinking about traditional business-user relationships and start seeing this as a collaborative co-ownership ecosystem. 🧠 Web3 markets must realize that being results-oriented does not mean wasted metrics. Being results-oriented in Web3 should be understood as building long-term success by directing budgets to users who bring quality to data-driven decisions, community-driven campaigns and projects. 🎯 Don't forget to share your valuable opinions in the comments!#Web3#MarketingFi#DeFi🚀🚀🚀

The main problem with Web3 marketing: focusing on hype and ignoring real users. You ask why? Because big prizes have become the core of Web3 marketing. But giving away rewards is not Web3 marketing, or what we call MarketingFi. 😅

Projects distribute their marketing budgets to everyone who likes and follows their Twitter posts. But that's not the potential that MarketingFi brings: instead of rewarding everyone for small actions, MarketingFi brings rewards to users who bring quality to projects through participation in marketing activities. 🚀

Similar problems persist in Web3 KOL marketing. Projects often onboard shillers that quickly create hype with bot counts and do not attract real users. You ask why? Because they want to 'quick hype' and don't have a way to measure the real impact of their campaigns. 😂

So what exactly is MarketingFi and how can Web3 achieve it?

MarketingFi means data-driven marketing decisions in an ecosystem where users are not just customers, but co-creators and co-owners. A significant shift in the thinking of Web3 marketers is needed. Projects need to stop thinking about traditional business-user relationships and start seeing this as a collaborative co-ownership ecosystem. 🧠

Web3 markets must realize that being results-oriented does not mean wasted metrics. Being results-oriented in Web3 should be understood as building long-term success by directing budgets to users who bring quality to data-driven decisions, community-driven campaigns and projects. 🎯

Don't forget to share your valuable opinions in the comments!#Web3#MarketingFi#DeFi🚀🚀🚀

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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İllinois federal savcıları, Cuma günü sunulan mahkeme belgelerine göre, Empire Market adlı bir darknet pazarını sahip olmak ve işletmekle iki kişiyi suçladı. 😱 Savcılar, Florida'dan 38 yaşındaki Thomas Pavey ve Virginia'dan 28 yaşındaki Raheim Hamilton'ın 2018'den 2020'ye kadar Empire Market'ı sahip olduğunu ve işlettiğini söylüyor. Empire Market faaliyet gösterdiği süre boyunca, ikilinin site üzerinde kullanıcıların anonim olarak yasadışı mal ve hizmet satın almasına izin veren 430 milyon dolarlık işlem gerçekleştirdiği belirtiliyor. 😎💰 Adalet Bakanlığı'nın (DOJ) Perşembe günü yaptığı basın açıklamasına göre, Empire Market uyuşturucu ve çalıntı kredi kartı bilgileri gibi şeyler satmak için kullanıldı. Tüm işlemler kripto para birimi ile yapıldı. Empire Market Ağustos 2020'de kapandı. 😢 Pavey ve Hamilton zaten ayrı suçlamalar için gözaltındaydı - savcılar daha önce ikiliyi, 2017'de kapandığı belirtilen başka bir darknet pazarı olan AlphaBay'de sahte para satmakla suçlamıştı. 😲 Pavey ve Hamilton'a yönelik yeni suçlamalar arasında uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı, bilgisayar dolandırıcılığı, erişim cihazı dolandırıcılığı, sahtecilik ve para aklama konusunda komplo kurma bulunuyor. DOJ'nin basın açıklamasına göre, her iki adamın suçlamaları ömür boyu hapis cezası ile cezalandırılabilir. 😨 Soruşturma sırasında 75 milyon dolarlık kripto para birimi ele geçirildi, ayrıca belirtilmeyen miktarda nakit ve değerli madenler de ele geçirildi. 😅💎 Pavey ve Hamilton için henüz duruşma tarihleri belirlenmedi. Sizce bu durum kripto para piyasalarını nasıl etkiler? Yorumlarınızı bekliyorum! 😄👇

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