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Recently popular quotes from "Audebiao": Go out more while you are young You will know the way when you deliver food in the future If you play for three years in high school, you will suffer for 30 years. If you suffer for three years in high school, you will suffer for 33 years. Efforts may not be seen, but rest will definitely be seen. Suffering first does not necessarily mean sweetness later, but sweetness first is really sweet. Love for one person cannot be hidden, but love for two must be hidden A banana presses me for two or three years, which adds up to five years. If justice can be late, why can't work be late? I can't step on the brakes, because poverty will catch up with me When you feel that you are ugly and poor, don't be sad, at least your judgment is still right If I don't bend, life will bend me One day you will meet the person you really like, and his other half. One person can suffer, but two people can't Because you will feel that your suffering is caused by the other person I am no longer the poor boy of the past, I am the poor boy of this year Love without material things is like a pile of loose sand, Love with material things is afraid of being caught by the police uncle There is no road in the world, more people walk, fewer people take the car I go out early and come back late, I am not at home when the God of Wealth knocks on the door, If I am not poor, who is poor Looking for a boyfriend must be a playboy, I am afraid that the loyal one can't be shaken off. As long as two people have absolute trust, the third person is absolutely safe. I can rely on my appearance, but I have to work. I don't know who I am, anyway, I am. There are many ways to comfort others, but there are always many ways to comfort yourself. If there is a banana, why a tiger? Have to endure the most hardships, and serve the superiors Being diligent may not be seen, but being lazy will definitely be caught I am not without a way out, I still have a dead end Although I didn't make any money, I didn't work in vain, at least I was tired It's not that the bicycle has no brake pads, but that life has no pause button#5月市场关键事件 #Gala遭黑客攻击 #新币挖矿

Recently popular quotes from "Audebiao":

Go out more while you are young

You will know the way when you deliver food in the future

If you play for three years in high school, you will suffer for 30 years.

If you suffer for three years in high school, you will suffer for 33 years.

Efforts may not be seen, but rest will definitely be seen.

Suffering first does not necessarily mean sweetness later, but sweetness first is really sweet.

Love for one person cannot be hidden, but love for two must be hidden

A banana presses me for two or three years, which adds up to five years.

If justice can be late, why can't work be late?

I can't step on the brakes, because poverty will catch up with me

When you feel that you are ugly and poor, don't be sad, at least your judgment is still right

If I don't bend, life will bend me

One day you will meet the person you really like,

and his other half.

One person can suffer, but two people can't

Because you will feel that your suffering is caused by the other person

I am no longer the poor boy of the past, I am the poor boy of this year

Love without material things is like a pile of loose sand,

Love with material things is afraid of being caught by the police uncle

There is no road in the world, more people walk, fewer people take the car

I go out early and come back late, I am not at home when the God of Wealth knocks on the door,

If I am not poor, who is poor

Looking for a boyfriend must be a playboy,

I am afraid that the loyal one can't be shaken off.

As long as two people have absolute trust,

the third person is absolutely safe.

I can rely on my appearance, but I have to work.

I don't know who I am, anyway, I am.

There are many ways to comfort others, but there are always many ways to comfort yourself.

If there is a banana, why a tiger?

Have to endure the most hardships, and serve the superiors

Being diligent may not be seen, but being lazy will definitely be caught

I am not without a way out, I still have a dead end

Although I didn't make any money, I didn't work in vain, at least I was tired

It's not that the bicycle has no brake pads, but that life has no pause button#5月市场关键事件 #Gala遭黑客攻击 #新币挖矿

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个人成长的经验提醒 1.犯错是你学习的一部分 没有人不犯错,犯错后总结反思,可以避免以后再次犯错,这也是人类重要的成长方式之一。 2.向批评你的人学习 现在的人都太精明,见人说人话、见鬼说鬼话;敢于批评你错误的人,绝对是你的贵人! 3. 不要拿自己和别人比较 每个人的起点不同,经历不同,不要太勉强自己事事都比别人强,真正的对手是你自己,让自己比昨天更强就好了。 4. 做任何事情都没有标准答案 对与错都没有那么绝对,也许现在正确的事,100年后会成为弥天大错,什么是对什么是错没有人能说得清。 5. 接受你的弱点作为你的“特点” 每个人都有无数弱点,游泳冠军打拳击肯定不行,接受自己、认可自己,把自己的优点发扬光大才是王道。 6. 把你的生命看做是一场冒险的旅程 人生在世最重要的就是快乐,享受人生中的每一天才是活着的最终意义。 7. 坚持你所相信的,即使它不受欢迎 每一个成功的人都有过一段孤独的日子,几乎没有人能理解我们、支持我们;我们要坚持把自己的路走到底。 8. 不要低估你的天赋,直到你应用1000次 要相信自己,别人能做到的事,通过自己的努力 也可以做到。要勇于尝试! 9. 你遇到的每一个问题都不是独一无二的 你经历的所有磨难与困苦,都有无数人经历过,可以向前辈们学习经验,少走些弯路。 10. 智力是相对的,自尊不是 智力和能力会随着时间而改变,而自尊却是绝对的,人们应该努力保持自尊。 11. 用创造性的方式表达你的情绪 每个人都有许多不良情绪,我们可以把它转化成艺术、写作、绘画等,健康的释放自己的情绪。 12.和那些希望你成功的人在一起 大多数人都在看你的笑话。要多和真心鼓励你,真心帮助你的人在一起。 - #非农就业人数高于预期 #ZKsync空投争议

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