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[AI Section: WLD] Until now, I still think that Web3 AI is just riding on the hype and belongs to the MEME of the grand narrative, because if you are an AI project with relatively good technology, why don’t you go for IPO, which will have greater potential, and issuing coins will instead restrain the development of your AI products. Therefore, hyping AI is hyping narratives. So what are the next narratives about AI? First, the star product of AI: the movement of Openai. The day before yesterday, the official website of Openai launched the search box of ChatGPT, indicating that Openai is expected to develop in the direction of search engines. Perhaps the next product to be updated by Openai will be a search engine; secondly, ChatGPT4.5, or ChatGPT5, is also rumored to be released in May or June. Every move of Openai is affecting the development of the AI ​​ecosystem. Then there are the progress of the actions of two technology companies, namely: Google and Apple's developer conferences. Google's I/O event will be held on May 14. As one of the important companies promoting the development of AI, Google's developer conference is bound to launch progress in AI. Although Apple has not made much noise about the development of AI, at yesterday's spring conference, the new IPAD product has already used AI hardware, and this iOS18 will also use AI large model technology, which is also a good narrative. Secondly, the last AI sector surged because Nvidia announced its financial report and Nvidia AI Conference, and Nvidia's new round of financial reports will also be released in May, so this financial report release will inevitably cause a new round of AI sector surges, because Nvidia is now linked to AI. Under the influence of so many narratives, AI is bound to be in a new wave. However, among all AI tokens, only WLD is the real dragon one, and the AI ​​sector only recommends that everyone pay attention to WLD. Before that, I noticed WLD in the club when WLD announced the development of its own WorldCoin public chain, so I started to pay attention to it. The price at that time was around 4, and now it has reached 6.5, an increase of 40.93%. Next, the AI ​​sector continues to be optimistic about WLD. The current price is: 5.8, and you can intervene on a position-by-position basis.

[AI Section: WLD]

Until now, I still think that Web3 AI is just riding on the hype and belongs to the MEME of the grand narrative, because if you are an AI project with relatively good technology, why don’t you go for IPO, which will have greater potential, and issuing coins will instead restrain the development of your AI products.

Therefore, hyping AI is hyping narratives. So what are the next narratives about AI?

First, the star product of AI: the movement of Openai. The day before yesterday, the official website of Openai launched the search box of ChatGPT, indicating that Openai is expected to develop in the direction of search engines. Perhaps the next product to be updated by Openai will be a search engine; secondly, ChatGPT4.5, or ChatGPT5, is also rumored to be released in May or June. Every move of Openai is affecting the development of the AI ​​ecosystem.

Then there are the progress of the actions of two technology companies, namely: Google and Apple's developer conferences. Google's I/O event will be held on May 14. As one of the important companies promoting the development of AI, Google's developer conference is bound to launch progress in AI. Although Apple has not made much noise about the development of AI, at yesterday's spring conference, the new IPAD product has already used AI hardware, and this iOS18 will also use AI large model technology, which is also a good narrative.

Secondly, the last AI sector surged because Nvidia announced its financial report and Nvidia AI Conference, and Nvidia's new round of financial reports will also be released in May, so this financial report release will inevitably cause a new round of AI sector surges, because Nvidia is now linked to AI.

Under the influence of so many narratives, AI is bound to be in a new wave. However, among all AI tokens, only WLD is the real dragon one, and the AI ​​sector only recommends that everyone pay attention to WLD.

Before that, I noticed WLD in the club when WLD announced the development of its own WorldCoin public chain, so I started to pay attention to it. The price at that time was around 4, and now it has reached 6.5, an increase of 40.93%. Next, the AI ​​sector continues to be optimistic about WLD. The current price is: 5.8, and you can intervene on a position-by-position basis.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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【NOT 一周暴涨 600% 要怎么看?TON生态还有戏嘛?】 1、$NOT 近期表现 最近,$TON 得到了很多好消息。它的总价值(TVL)在三个月内增加了15倍,价格也涨了三倍,现在的总价值达到168亿美元。 2、当前 NOT 生态都有什么? (1)Notcoin($NOT):TON 生态的龙头 Notcoin 是一个在 TON 生态系统上启动的 Web3 游戏项目。用户可以通过简单的点击操作挖掘代币,这些代币会转换为真正的 $NOT。最近,$NOT 价格达到0.029美元,比一周前涨了600%,市值超过24亿美元。 (2)TON 上的 USDT 4月中旬,TON 推出了原生的 USDT。这样,9亿 Telegram 用户可以使用 USDT 进行全球点对点支付。目前,TON 提供多个 USDT 激励计划,例如在 Telegram 钱包中存入 USDT 可以获得高达25%的年收益(APY),在去中心化交易所(DEX)中提供流动性可以获得90-120%的年收益。 (3)开放联盟 开放联盟为 TON 用户和项目提供长期激励计划,计划在3个月内分发3000万个 TON。TON 项目进行友好竞争,争夺丰厚奖金池的一部分。现在,所有 Open League 代币的流动性池都已向用户开放,大多数年收益率(APY)约为500%。 3、TON 基金会宣布了最新的 Grant 项目名单 下图 4、总结 TON 世界发展得非常快,吸引了很多新用户。通过各种高效的工具和支持计划,TON 展现出成为领先区块链的巨大潜力。 #内容挖矿 $BTC
【$AO $AR 双剑合并,超并行计算+永久存储+AI,BUFF叠满 】 1、$AO 发币 基于 Arweave 的超并行计算网络 AO 发布了其全新代币模型,引发了广泛关注。 根据 AO 官方推特的公告,AO 将拥有自己的独立代币—— $AO。新的代币模型提出了一种全新的分配和发行方式。 2、简单易懂的 $AO 发行说明 (1)公平启动: $AO 将以完全公平的方式启动,没有预先挖矿、预售或优先获取的特殊待遇。每个人都有同样的机会参与。 (2)代币铸造: 所有 $AO 代币将通过三种方式获得:与 AO 进行桥接、持有 $AR 和 $AR 参与网络建设。 (3)发行机制: $AO 的总发行量为 2100 万枚,并且每四年减半一次。 (4)非营利组织管理: 一个新的非营利组织将负责 $AO 的发行和管理,确保代币按照既定规则分配。 (5)启动时间: 创世区块将在美国东部时间 6 月 13 日上午 11 点生成。 3、$AO 的推出 对于 AR 的影响因素 昨日由于 $AO 推币的消息出现,$AR单日内涨幅20%。 (1)看涨的基本因素 AO的推出提升了Arweave在AI领域的地位,使其成为重要参与者,扩大了机器学习和AI集成的可能性,促进了高效训练和部署,并引入了透明、可验证的计算系统,预计未来交易量将进一步增加。 (2)看涨的基本因素 AO测试阶段可能会暴露技术问题,整体功能存在疑问,与现有AR代币结合可能面临困难,Arweave在可扩展性方面可能面临挑战,整合处于早期阶段,可能导致AR代币价值波动和不可预测性增加。 4、总结 AO 的推出整体来说,还是利好于 AR 的,至于利好多少,还是要看 AO 的发展进度如何 。 $AR:现价:43.8,支撑位看:40.571,压力位看:49.558 #内容挖矿 #MantaRWA生态

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