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#大盘走势 $BTC $ETH The price of Bitcoin has fluctuated sharply again📉, breaking the key support levels of the daily and monthly lines. 🌙As soon as the data was released last night, the US stock market fell, and Bitcoin also started a new round of decline and rebound. At present, the price of Bitcoin has fallen below the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily Bollinger bands, but there is no clear sign of stopping the decline for the time being. 🔍In the current market environment, we pay special attention to the support level near 61,200. This support level is not only mentioned many times in our analysis, but also based on the golden section point of the Fibonacci sequence, and the technical support value is extremely high. But🤔, we must also be vigilant whether this decline is mainly affected by market sentiment, which is crucial to the effectiveness of the support level. 📈In addition, this support level is also a key position of the M-top pattern. If the price of Bitcoin effectively falls below this position, the M-top pattern will be confirmed, and the possibility of continued price decline will be further increased. But please note that this judgment is based on the natural trend of the market. We will not consider the impact of last night's data and external interference such as geopolitical factors for the time being. 💹 In terms of short-term rebound, 65,000 and 68,200 are two important resistance levels. We can pay close attention to the breakthrough of these two positions and use this as a basis to judge the short-term market trend. 📊 At present, the RSI relative strength index has fallen below 30 and is now at a low of 27, showing the potential sentiment of oversold rebound. Given that the recent decline of Bitcoin is mainly affected by market sentiment, RSI triggers oversold rebound sentiment, which is expected to provide strong support for the rebound of the 61,200 support level. The crypto market has experienced a 412 plunge, and the cottage generally has a 50%-80% pullback. Many fans' assets have been halved. Mulan is also deeply saddened and regretful. Next, I have prepared some currencies suitable for bottom-fishing, output at: [→点击领取回本计划]( Remember, if you get lost, come to find the way!

#大盘走势 $BTC $ETH

The price of Bitcoin has fluctuated sharply again📉, breaking the key support levels of the daily and monthly lines.

🌙As soon as the data was released last night, the US stock market fell, and Bitcoin also started a new round of decline and rebound. At present, the price of Bitcoin has fallen below the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily Bollinger bands, but there is no clear sign of stopping the decline for the time being.

🔍In the current market environment, we pay special attention to the support level near 61,200. This support level is not only mentioned many times in our analysis, but also based on the golden section point of the Fibonacci sequence, and the technical support value is extremely high. But🤔, we must also be vigilant whether this decline is mainly affected by market sentiment, which is crucial to the effectiveness of the support level.

📈In addition, this support level is also a key position of the M-top pattern. If the price of Bitcoin effectively falls below this position, the M-top pattern will be confirmed, and the possibility of continued price decline will be further increased. But please note that this judgment is based on the natural trend of the market. We will not consider the impact of last night's data and external interference such as geopolitical factors for the time being.

💹 In terms of short-term rebound, 65,000 and 68,200 are two important resistance levels. We can pay close attention to the breakthrough of these two positions and use this as a basis to judge the short-term market trend.

📊 At present, the RSI relative strength index has fallen below 30 and is now at a low of 27, showing the potential sentiment of oversold rebound. Given that the recent decline of Bitcoin is mainly affected by market sentiment, RSI triggers oversold rebound sentiment, which is expected to provide strong support for the rebound of the 61,200 support level.

The crypto market has experienced a 412 plunge, and the cottage generally has a 50%-80% pullback. Many fans' assets have been halved. Mulan is also deeply saddened and regretful. Next, I have prepared some currencies suitable for bottom-fishing, output at: →点击领取回本计划 Remember, if you get lost, come to find the way!

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#美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 $NOT $PEPE $PEOPLE 🔥埃隆·马斯克斥资4千万美元购买10万枚芯片!原因如下:🔥 埃隆·马斯克停不下来。这次,马斯克正为他的新人工智能项目xAI购买10万枚芯片。马斯克宣布,他去年夏天成立的xAI已经筹集到60亿美元的资金。那么,这笔庞大的预算将用于何处呢?让我们详细探讨这一激动人心的新闻。 埃隆·马斯克正在为他的人工智能公司xAI购买10万枚英伟达品牌的芯片 这笔60亿美元的资金将被用于将xAI公司的首批产品推向市场,创建先进的基础设施,并加速未来技术的研发。到目前为止,xAI已经推出了一款名为Grok的聊天机器人,作为OpenAI的ChatGPT的竞争对手。目前,Grok仅对X Premium的订阅用户开放。 这一轮融资吸引了包括安德森·霍洛维茨基金、红杉资本和沙特阿拉伯王子阿尔瓦利德·本·塔拉勒等巨头的投资。去年,xAI宣布寻求高达10亿美元的股权投资。然而,几个月前,《金融时报》报道xAI正在寻求60亿美元,当时马斯克否认了这一报道。现在我们看到,这60亿美元实际上已经筹集到位。 发展人工智能并不便宜。英伟达即将推出的Blackwell B200 AI显卡的售价在3万至4万美元之间。据上周报道,xAI将需要10万枚英伟达的现有H100芯片来为其Grok AI聊天机器人的升级版提供动力。马斯克告诉投资者,他们计划在2025年秋季推出新的数据中心。 在AI芯片、人才和技术的竞争中,从未如此激烈。谷歌、苹果、亚马逊、微软和Meta等科技巨头在人工智能项目上投入了数十亿美元。微软与OpenAI建立了数十亿美元的合作关系。OpenAI首席执行官萨姆·阿尔特曼正在寻求数千亿美元来重塑全球芯片产业。另一方面,马斯克正在起诉OpenAI,声称它偏离了造福人类的使命。 最近这行情主力一直震荡,BB和NOT也是涨势迅猛,个人也是在不断的寻找筛选百倍币,结果,发现了一个由BinanceLabs和国内风投第一基金公司—红杉资本领投的项目,先不说团队背景和用户数据,就这投资阵容已经盖过90%的AI项目,根据目前了解到的情况, 这个币有潜力成为百亿市值的项目,下周,我会根据筹码变动情况入手,坐标ok🚀
$NOT 币种真的挺有看头的,我手头的筹码看来不会亏!下面我用大白话给大家解释一下这个项目: 一、项目介绍 Notcoin 这东西,它既是个游戏币,还是个迷因币(就是网上流行的那种“梗币”)。它特别的地方在于流通性很高,大家都能买到卖到,而且它很重视社群的力量,有个“点一点就赚钱”的游戏机制。Notcoin 这个游戏在 Telegram 上特别火,大家都喜欢玩,所以吸引了好多主流交易所和投资者的注意。现在市场里流动性有点紧张,大家都开始转向这种像 Notcoin 这样的迷因币,而不是那种一上市就被大机构接盘的 VC 币。 二、产品特点 Notcoin 有两个身份,一个是游戏币,一个是迷因币。 游戏币:在 Telegram 上有个免费游戏,玩一玩就能赚到 Notcoin,特别简单,大家都喜欢。这个游戏从2024年1月1日就开始了,现在特别火,有好多好多人玩。迷因币:迷因币就是那种网上很火的“梗币”,价格波动大,但大家都喜欢投资它。Notcoin 就是靠它的游戏和社群活动,吸引了大家的注意。 三、代币信息 $NOT 是这个项目的代币符号,总共有 102,719,221,714 个。一开始的时候就全部流通了,现在市值有 6.6 亿美金。 四、Binance 与 Notcoin 创始人 Sasha 的对话 Q1:有人问 Notcoin 的白皮书详细情况? A:创始人说,他们不想给太多细节,也不保证什么。就是让你自己看着办。 Q2:Notcoin 是不是迷因币? A:创始人说,虽然可以叫迷因币,但更觉得它是社区币,大家一起玩一起赚钱。 Q3:怎么参与 Notcoin 在币安的流动性挖矿? A:在币安上放一点钱就行,就这么简单。 Q4:Notcoin 和 TON 团队有啥关系?未来会做什么? A:创始人说 TON 团队很厉害,他觉得 Telegram 的链明年会特别火。 Q5:Notcoin 的用户流量怎么样? A:创始人说,他们已经和币安合作了,有 500 万用户,这对整个社区来说非常有用。 Q6:质押 NOT 有什么好处? A:创始人说,主要是参与竞争和赚钱,还能增强社区意识。 个人观点:从上面的解读来看,Notcoin 确实是个挺有潜力的项目,既结合了游戏的趣味性,又利用了社群的力量。而且它一开始就全部流通了,没有什么大机构控制,更公平。如果你手头有 $NOT,那就好好拿着吧,未来可能会有不错的收益! 我们只为寻找真正的牛市现货屯币爱好者。长期信仰,共同认可我们的策略,方可成为我们核心团队的一员。如果你之前错过了机会,现在是你最后上车的时刻。关注并留言 #5月市场关键事件 $NOT $BTC

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