According to Yahoo News, US stocks declined on Tuesday, led by tech names such as Oracle and Apple. Oracle shares plunged more than 13% following a downbeat earnings report, while Apple stock fell more than 2.3% on the same day as the company's iPhone 15 launch event. Investors and Apple fans tuned in online or flocked to Cupertino, California in person to witness Apple's unveiling of its latest flagship smartphone, which features an updated camera, charging port, and other upgrades. The company also debuted new editions of the Apple Watch and AirPods.
In other market news, US crude oil prices reached their highest level since November 2022, following the latest report from OPEC that maintained a strong demand growth forecast for the rest of 2023 and next year. Shares of energy companies Chevron and Exxon Mobil jumped as high as 2% on the day. On Wednesday, investors will be watching for the August consumer price index report, which could heavily influence the Federal Reserve's next policy move. Goldman Sachs strategists expect headline CPI to rise 3.58% annually, up from July's 3.2% gain.