Latest Crypto Market News:

- 3-6 month history (Block Age of Expended Output) has moved. The significant move of around 120,000 during this period can be used as an indicator of volatility. We may see significant volatility in the near future.

- Despite crypto markets experiencing pressure, optimism for BTC remains high. Experts believe that this cryptocurrency will continue to develop and become an increasingly important asset in the world of global finance.

- Government policies and regulations relating to crypto continue to be a major focus. Some countries have taken steps to regulate the industry, while others are still waiting and seeing.

- On-chain reports and analysis show that crypto adoption continues to increase, with more individuals and companies starting to use this technology for various purposes.

- Despite some challenges faced by the crypto market, many believe that the industry will continue to grow and develop. In the long term, this could bring exciting opportunities for crypto investors and users.