🍀What do I do if I lose a seed phrase?

✨It’s a common yet critical question. After losing a recovery phrase, people panic and don’t know what to do next.

🛞We can suggest two things:

☀️1. Any noncustodial wallet you are authorized to use has a backup function: You can find it in the settings, and the wallet will show you the seed phrase.

☀️2. If you don’t know where the piece of paper on which you wrote the seed phrase is, it’s best to withdraw all your crypto to a newly created wallet and keep those 12 sacred words more carefully from that moment on. If you’re sure it is destroyed (for example, it was eaten by your cat or mangled by your child), then it’s okay. Just restore it directly in your wallet and continue using this address.

☀️But if you’re logged out of your wallet and have no idea where you’ve placed your piece of paper, that’s when you have serious problems😬