Binance Square
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The whale transferred 6,300 BTC, worth approximately US$170 million. Although these BTC did not enter the exchange directly, this behavior still caused doubts in the market. On October 7, Ethereum founder Buterin transferred 1,000 ETH (approximately $1.64 million) to a new address. Justin Sun also conducted a series of ETH operations, withdrew approximately 3,951 ETH, deposited 20,000 ETH (approximately $36.2 million) into Binance, and transferred 17,255 ETH (approximately $28 million) to another new address. The behavior of these giant whales triggered doubts and panic in the market. You may worry about whether these giant whales have some special information or whether their actions will have an adverse impact on the market. In this case, market sentiment may become unstable. Everyone should pay close attention to market dynamics, but also be careful not to panic excessively. These whale behaviors may have various causes and do not necessarily mean that the market will experience large fluctuations. The important thing is to stay calm and make wise investment decisions based on market conditions.

The whale transferred 6,300 BTC, worth approximately US$170 million. Although these BTC did not enter the exchange directly, this behavior still caused doubts in the market.

On October 7, Ethereum founder Buterin transferred 1,000 ETH (approximately $1.64 million) to a new address.

Justin Sun also conducted a series of ETH operations, withdrew approximately 3,951 ETH, deposited 20,000 ETH (approximately $36.2 million) into Binance, and transferred 17,255 ETH (approximately $28 million) to another new address.

The behavior of these giant whales triggered doubts and panic in the market. You may worry about whether these giant whales have some special information or whether their actions will have an adverse impact on the market. In this case, market sentiment may become unstable.

Everyone should pay close attention to market dynamics, but also be careful not to panic excessively. These whale behaviors may have various causes and do not necessarily mean that the market will experience large fluctuations. The important thing is to stay calm and make wise investment decisions based on market conditions.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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门头沟事件会引发市场大跌吗? 最近,与门头沟事件相关的比特币开始有所动作,这让市场有些担忧。大家最关心的问题就是,这会不会导致市场大跌? 首先,我们得明白,虽然门头沟事件涉及的比特币数量庞大,但真正可能对市场造成冲击的部分其实并不大。为什么呢? 赔偿计划是分期进行的,不会一次性释放大量比特币,所以市场冲击会被分散。 很多债权人可能已经把手中的比特币债权转让了,而接手的人或机构可能并不急于抛售。 对于那些看好比特币长期前景的人来说,他们即使收到赔偿,也不会轻易卖出。 再者说,现在市场上有很多机构和富豪都在等着比特币价格下跌,好趁机买入。所以,门头沟事件更可能被资本利用来制造短期恐慌,从而获取更便宜的筹码。 总的来说,门头沟事件对市场的影响有限,不太可能导致大跌。如果出现下跌,那反而是一个买入的好机会! 接下来,让我们看看本周加密货币市场有哪些值得关注的点: RWA(现实世界资产)概念继续火热,像ONDO和DUSK这样的代币值得关注。 随着欧洲足球锦标赛的临近,与体育产业相关的代币$CHZ可能会继续上涨。 UNI和LINK因为各自的利好消息,也值得关注。 新品发布和潜在机会方面,STG的V2版本即将发布,还有传言说LayerZero代币也即将推出。ETC在减半后可能会有短期上涨机会。 其他有趣的代币包括BLUR,随着以太坊价格上涨,NFT市场可能会受到提振。FTM在回调后可能是一个不错的买入点。还有$PEPECOIN,这是一个由网红支持的代币,也值得关注。 更多分析,关注小野,搜我置顶图每日现货密码无偿、牛市策略布局无偿分享! ​​​ #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析

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