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Crypto Whales Again Push Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Up The crypto whales have again succeeded in pushing Bitcoin Cash (BCH) up to the top gainer chart. This phenomenon is similar to the previous bullish price rally that saw BCH rise to an annual peak of US$329 in June 2023. BCH price managed to breakout above the US$250 mark this week. Meanwhile, on-chain data shows that a group of crypto whales historically known for being astute in predicting prices, holding between 100,000 to 1 million BCH, has been one of the main driving factors behind this rally. As depicted below, this whale acquired 150,000 BCH between September 21st and October 3rd. This group of crypto whales spent the last week of September to increase their BCH balances. At the current price of US$240, the 150,000 BCH coins they just acquired are worth around US$36 million. Then, what is noteworthy, this group of whales have accurately determined the timing of the June 2023 rally. They bought as much as 420,000 BCH between June 20 and July 6, when the price of BCH skyrocketed by more than 150%. However, it remains to be seen whether whales will continue to buy Bitcoin Cash in October or choose to diversify into other altcoins with smaller capitalization as the bull market matures.

Crypto Whales Again Push Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Up

The crypto whales have again succeeded in pushing Bitcoin Cash (BCH) up to the top gainer chart. This phenomenon is similar to the previous bullish price rally that saw BCH rise to an annual peak of US$329 in June 2023.

BCH price managed to breakout above the US$250 mark this week. Meanwhile, on-chain data shows that a group of crypto whales historically known for being astute in predicting prices, holding between 100,000 to 1 million BCH, has been one of the main driving factors behind this rally.

As depicted below, this whale acquired 150,000 BCH between September 21st and October 3rd.

This group of crypto whales spent the last week of September to increase their BCH balances. At the current price of US$240, the 150,000 BCH coins they just acquired are worth around US$36 million.

Then, what is noteworthy, this group of whales have accurately determined the timing of the June 2023 rally. They bought as much as 420,000 BCH between June 20 and July 6, when the price of BCH skyrocketed by more than 150%.

However, it remains to be seen whether whales will continue to buy Bitcoin Cash in October or choose to diversify into other altcoins with smaller capitalization as the bull market matures.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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Altcoin Ini Berpotensi Naik 1700 Persen? Ini Kata Pendiri Bitmex Arthur Hayes, salah satu pendiri BitMEX, mengungkapkan sentimen positifnya terhadap proyek kripto atau altcoin berupa penyimpanan data terdesentralisasi dengan alasan bahwa permintaan akan infrastruktur kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang tahan sensor akan terus berkembang ke depannya. Hayes mengatakan dalam posting blog baru bahwa teknologi AI “membutuhkan desentralisasi” untuk dua hal yang diperlukan yaitu daya komputasi dan penyimpanan awan yang aman dan mudah diakses. Pendiri Bitmex: Altcoin Penyimpanan Data Terdesentralisasi Akan Melonjak Menurut pendiri BitMEX, altcoin berupa  jaringan penyimpanan file terdesentralisasi Filecoin (FIL), yang merupakan “harus dimiliki untuk ekonomi AI yang berkembang,” bisa mengalami peningkatan sekitar 1.730 persen dari tingkat saat ini jika rasio harga terhadap kapasitas saat ini naik, dikutip dari Altcoin FIL saat ini bernilai sekitar US$3,24 dengan mengalami penurunan sekitar 98,6 persen dari rekor tertingginya sebesar US$236,24 yang dicapai pada pada April 2021 lalu. Sementara itu, rasio harga terhadap kapasitas Filecoin telah turun dari US$19,45 per EiB pada April 2021 menjadi nilai saat ini sekitar US$0,27 per EiB, atau terjadi penurunan sekitar 99 persen. Pendiri BitMEX mengatakan bahwa teori bullish-nya tentang Filecoin yang juga didasarkan pada gagasan bahwa bank sentral akan segera terpaksa untuk mempermudah kebijakan moneter, menghasilkan “boom likuiditas fiat.” “AI sedang mengalami momen pertumbuhan adopsi yang pesat…,” ujar Hayes. Dilengkapi dengan uang gratis dalam puluhan triliun, semua orang mulai dari politisi, tuan-tuan hedge fund dari seluruh dunia, hingga orang-orang di dunia teknologi modal ventura akan melakukan segala yang mereka bisa untuk mengalirkan uang ke segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan AI secara tidak langsung,” tambahnya. [az]

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