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Blacknet Overview: Blacknet is a POS3.0 public chain built from scratch by blackcoin author rat4, who started the project in September 2018. Through a 14-week burning cycle, Blackcoin is burned as a code to anchor the value. (1) The mainnet was officially launched on December 23. (2) As we all know, Blackcoin is a POS version of Bitcoin, and the Pos3.0 algorithm used has been recognized by many currencies. Hundreds of currencies have quoted Blackcoin’s POS technology. It is on this basis that Blacknet uses the Kotlin development language to develop a new generation of public chains aimed at solving the shortcomings of Bitcoin. (3) Blacknet is a scalable POS network. No pre-mining, no ICO, no foundation. Functions planned to be implemented include: account-based POS proof, offline mining, atomic swaps, voting, encrypted messages, and authorization-free expansion. It also plans to expand functional applications in POS algorithms, decentralized exchanges, and zero-knowledge anonymity. (4) 1: Why use accounts instead of UTXOs (5) Bitcoin and many of its derivatives store user balances based on unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs): the state of the entire system is determined by UTXOs Composed (think of it as "coins") such that each coin has an owner and a value, each transaction requires one or more coins and creates one or more coins, which rely on the following verification constraints: each The relevant inputs must be valid and unspent. Each transaction must be signed and consistent with the owner of each input. The total inputs are equal to the outputs. The user's "balance" is the total of these "coins", and the user can provide the private key to generate a valid 's signature. Blacknet does not intend to adopt this solution, but adopts a simpler method: each account has a balance status (and specific internal data), and a transaction is valid if there is enough balance on the account to pay. In this case, the sending account is debited and the receiving account is credited. Benefits of UTXOs: High degree of privacy: If a user uses a new address to make transactions, it is more difficult to associate it with other accounts. This works well for currencies, but is too arbitrary for dapps, which often involve keeping track of a complex set of users.

Blacknet Overview: Blacknet is a POS3.0 public chain built from scratch by blackcoin author rat4, who started the project in September 2018. Through a 14-week burning cycle, Blackcoin is burned as a code to anchor the value. (1) The mainnet was officially launched on December 23. (2) As we all know, Blackcoin is a POS version of Bitcoin, and the Pos3.0 algorithm used has been recognized by many currencies. Hundreds of currencies have quoted Blackcoin’s POS technology. It is on this basis that Blacknet uses the Kotlin development language to develop a new generation of public chains aimed at solving the shortcomings of Bitcoin. (3) Blacknet is a scalable POS network. No pre-mining, no ICO, no foundation. Functions planned to be implemented include: account-based POS proof, offline mining, atomic swaps, voting, encrypted messages, and authorization-free expansion. It also plans to expand functional applications in POS algorithms, decentralized exchanges, and zero-knowledge anonymity. (4) 1: Why use accounts instead of UTXOs (5) Bitcoin and many of its derivatives store user balances based on unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs): the state of the entire system is determined by UTXOs Composed (think of it as "coins") such that each coin has an owner and a value, each transaction requires one or more coins and creates one or more coins, which rely on the following verification constraints: each The relevant inputs must be valid and unspent. Each transaction must be signed and consistent with the owner of each input. The total inputs are equal to the outputs. The user's "balance" is the total of these "coins", and the user can provide the private key to generate a valid 's signature. Blacknet does not intend to adopt this solution, but adopts a simpler method: each account has a balance status (and specific internal data), and a transaction is valid if there is enough balance on the account to pay. In this case, the sending account is debited and the receiving account is credited. Benefits of UTXOs: High degree of privacy: If a user uses a new address to make transactions, it is more difficult to associate it with other accounts. This works well for currencies, but is too arbitrary for dapps, which often involve keeping track of a complex set of users.

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Blacknet入坑必读!!! 首先:BLN不是ICO币,没有所谓的项目方! 以创始人Rat4(老鼠)为主,加上其他几个贡献代码的志愿者为辅的小团队负责主网开发 初始10亿代币的分发是通过燃烧黑币获得,2018年9月到12月为期14周的燃烧期 总计1470万的黑币被300个创始IBO参与用户燃烧销毁,根据每个人燃烧的数量时间公平分配10亿初始代币 第二:BLN是公链,老鼠2014年创造的黑币由于底层架构原因扩展性较差,已经交给黑币社区其他志愿者维护 现在老鼠的主要精力都在BLN,BLN的目标是成为一条可以无限扩展的公链! 第三:主网基本功能已经可以使用,包括转账,匿名消息,POS权重出租已经可以使用 是BLN第一个利用POS权重出租功能建立的矿池,已经正常运行 未来包括原子交换,状态通道,零知识证明等技术都会被加入到BLN,有些功能代码已经部署,正在测试阶段 第四:从目前主网上线3个多月的情况来看,虽然有些小问题,但老鼠一直在不断修复改进 可以看出老鼠确实是想把黑网做成,老鼠没用BLN圈一分钱,完全是为信仰而工作 第五:老鼠身上有种中本聪的精神,黑币问世的时候是先POW两周挖出7000万左右的量后再转POS 按正常人操作,创始人完全可以利用信息优势,先部署算力,等黑币上线大量挖掘,但老鼠并没有 老鼠自己的账户显示他只挖了几万个黑币,另外10万+黑币都是社区打赏给他的,而且他一直没有卖出
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