Binance Square
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🚨 The United States has charged Chinese companies and their employees with using cryptocurrencies to hide identities and financial transactions related to the production and distribution of the opioid drug fentanyl. - Among the accused: Qingsong Li, Chunhui Chen, Wei Zhang - A total of 19 crypto addresses with assets in BTC, ETH, USDT, TRX were frozen - Sanctions were imposed on 28 entities, including the Canadian company Valerian Labs

🚨 The United States has charged Chinese companies and their employees with using cryptocurrencies to hide identities and financial transactions related to the production and distribution of the opioid drug fentanyl.

- Among the accused: Qingsong Li, Chunhui Chen, Wei Zhang

- A total of 19 crypto addresses with assets in BTC, ETH, USDT, TRX were frozen

- Sanctions were imposed on 28 entities, including the Canadian company Valerian Labs

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