Binance Square
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🧑‍🎤The beginning of October is not bad, and the market expectations are basically consistent with the previous live broadcasts and the several points highlighted in daily life. Reminder from last night‼ ️The probability of breakthrough is high, and there are short sellers. I got up late today, and it has already reached the pressure of 28,500 that I mentioned. ~Repeated reminders of the Cancun copycat season and blue-chip performances, Cancun has just begun to not be in place, including the publicly stated pepe and LRC have not yet reached the target, you can continue to hold it, but I may notify the internal group at any time, or You have to take charge of it yourself 🎃rdnt I also said it on the right side a few days ago, both the left and right sides made money, OP is also tough today, the target is a 2 There will be another live broadcast tomorrow night. Remember to make an appointment later⏰. I will try to broadcast it to you every Tuesday, but I still invite my good friend Mr. Xiao Ou. I am not a pure chart person. I am not that good at lines and grids. This is a professional thing. Find a professional to do it.

🧑‍🎤The beginning of October is not bad, and the market expectations are basically consistent with the previous live broadcasts and the several points highlighted in daily life.

Reminder from last night‼ ️The probability of breakthrough is high, and there are short sellers. I got up late today, and it has already reached the pressure of 28,500 that I mentioned.

~Repeated reminders of the Cancun copycat season and blue-chip performances, Cancun has just begun to not be in place, including the publicly stated pepe and LRC have not yet reached the target, you can continue to hold it, but I may notify the internal group at any time, or You have to take charge of it yourself

🎃rdnt I also said it on the right side a few days ago, both the left and right sides made money, OP is also tough today, the target is a 2

There will be another live broadcast tomorrow night. Remember to make an appointment later⏰. I will try to broadcast it to you every Tuesday, but I still invite my good friend Mr. Xiao Ou. I am not a pure chart person. I am not that good at lines and grids. This is a professional thing. Find a professional to do it.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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听闻半木夏老师这一次浮亏70% 我的第一反应是,不太可能吧,会不会是假消息 因为他目前主要仓位应该还是大饼这些,回撤幅度不是很大 在半神面前,不敢造次 单就很多人最近出现大幅回撤,我谈谈自己的想法 这段时间账户大幅回撤的,一般有两种情况 第一种是做合约的赌徒,不幸用不合理的仓位开了多,还不带合理的止损 第二种仓位配比没有主流,抵御不住风险,全部重仓了某些弱势山寨,跌幅达到70%甚至80% 关于前者我没什么想说的 还记得我在月初的时候发过一篇推文,就明确跟你们说四月份是一个波动性极大的文章 既可以看到5万,又可以看到8万,千万别带任何杠杆,会把你诱多诱空到哭 现在这段时间,动不动无视一切压力位上涨,无视一切支撑位下跌 一念天堂,一念地狱的感觉,你有没有感受到? 从ETF通过以后,市场的节奏就变得异常混乱 无数历史的经验定律都被打破,留下了在风中凌乱的我们 我其实是能理解很多人高位被套的原因的 因为历史上无一例外,价格突破前高以后,紧接着后面的,就是疯狂的山寨季 我还记得,三月初有无数人告诉你们,山寨季马上就要来了,再不上车来不及了 当群体处于疯狂,身为个体的我们被裹挟,又何错之有? 现在各国相继通过ETF,这一轮牛市注定会延续很久很久 这几天的暴跌,应该叫山寨的312,山寨的519,大饼其实只是简单回调 同时我也有一个思考,就是为什么山寨和大饼呈现完全不同的状态? 因为ETF的通过,给大饼注入了源源不断的活水,而这些活水是锁死在大饼里面的 机构和个人不同,他们的资金都是先买入优质资产 于是,大饼的流动性增加,和山寨依旧缺少流动性是两个并存的现状 ✅未完下一条

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