You should have mined Pi coin !!! or else buy now #pi
There are defending advantages that it will float in the market .
1. Public support When many countries support this project ,you can't be the only one to deny it's versatility .
2. It's versatile It has it's own website and it's own shopping platform where you can sell nd buy too !!
3. It's a long duration project ,that means it will stay on float for long time which in the future it will become a menas to hold ,store, exchange and platform to buy and sell items, and service.
It will collapse when the support form general public is over .
Why #BTC☀ will rise ? There are factors that gives #BTC☀ the need to float on market to remain on top of the surface.
Your key element is patience : After buying #btc from my link ,you will need to wait 5 months minimum for the value to increase. why I am confident that it will rise ? The holder the value is definitely suppose to increase because you see the candy that costs 1 USD during old days now costs 4-5 USD and service that cost 12 USD now cost about 40 USD . The cost of living has increased and the Asian countries are developing in the fast paced like race game. Majority of population falls under Asian continent and thus these population decides the market.
Don't forget to tip this page when $BTC increases .Have patience friend and invest mindfully ,the money is near the door of your house.
There are factors that gives #BTC☀ the need to float on market to remain on top of the surface.
Your key element is patience : After buying #btc from my link ,you will need to wait 5 months minimum for the value to increase.
why I am confident that it will rise ? The holder the value is definitely suppose to increase because you see the candy that costs 1 USD during old days now costs 4-5 USD and service that cost 12 USD now cost about 40 USD . The cost of living has increased and the Asian countries are developing in the fast paced like race game. Majority of population falls under Asian continent and thus these population decides the market.
Don't forget to tip this page when $BTC increases .Have patience friend and invest mindfully ,the money is near the door of your house.
A rise in $BTC can cause change in the valuation of other cryptocurrency, this is because BTC is used as alternative method in many exchange platforms.Ever notice? whenever $BTC increases $ETH increase and also when BTC falls so does ETH.Not only this but it changes the asset value of other crypto as well.Other cryptocurrency is following the lead of BTC.Here BTC acts as first person to clear the path and also the one who will bear the most devastating impact if it falls remarkably, especially the users and investors.
If BTC falls rapidly, it will be more devastating for the users who have invested in it.
It allows ( POS ) Prove of Stake to function smoothly along with ( POH ) Prove of History where users can get to enjoy many transections in a short period of time.
Its fast while buying and selling ,sending and receiving.
Solana falls under advanced new cryptocurrency to mine, where you don't need the old version of bulky equipments like btc requires, with new technology added for mining,it becomes more energy efficient ,faster and reliable proof of stake ( POS ).
It is also referred to as coin that offers some of the cheapest transection fees around ($0.003 and $0.030).
Yes, there is a possibility because of other services ETH has for it's users.
In the long run ETH might rise higher than BTC in value but it won't be that soon. BTC still holds the center of attention that is due to the fact that BTC has only one goal which is transection and holder of value.This attribute helps BTC to achieve its goal more efficiently, when you only have one purpose it becomes easier to follow that track.
Unlike ETH ,where it offers other services like ,transection, contract and support to offer services to other projects,it may take some time to make it clear for it's users to understand about it. On the other side ,users can get to enjoy the multitude of tools it has to offer.
In reality both these two projects can exist without having to compete against eachother.These two are very distinctive about it's characteristics and you can distinguish between them individually .
There are many speculations to remark upon this as Bonk will rise definitely.
Why it will rise in value ?
The #bonk offers users a value as carrier where you can transfer USDT in the form of Bonk to another user and it can also be held as an asset for investment .
Its user friendly and anyone can trade Bonk ,since it's low in value,when people need to send amount in decimals which is below 1 ,they can effectively use Bonk as a medium to send and receive and also hold.
While $BTC $ETH can only be bought if you have sufficient amount on the other hand there appears Bonk to be better option for users.
However, there are disadvantages of rising it's value. Number one being expensive to trade and new commers would find it as a bit hassle to fully utilize it's service.You no longer can trade in decimals easily . Unlike BTC where if you want to send 1 USDT to another user or another account(1 USDT = 0000.16 BTC ) you may want to check whether you got the zeros in the right place.
Another important disadvantage of coins rising it's value is that when everything is about the rise of value it becomes expensive and people may soon lose interest in it, only the rich and richer might trade but let it be clear that market is really made up of people who are below high class and majority of the population lies under this category.
Can you mine $BTC BTC for free ? It's a important question we all should know.
There are many apps on Google play store and websites on Google where it's written free mining BTC but upon my experience there isn't any legit mining for BTC except very few but for that you will need some advanced technical resource .
1.Computer / desktop with high processing speed , cooler fan which will work great to keep the heat of the computer down., that's for the free version .
I tried to mine in a hope to earn some BTC from my normal Dell laptop ,, within 10-20 seconds it was like oven heat at the bottom my laptop , thought it will explode but luckily it didn't because I switched off the mining option and uninstalled the application.My laptop might have thought "what the hell was that ? !!!" if it had brains.
Still not confirmed whether it can mine BTC for sure. From the reviews that are given says it did work for them, not many coins but still it worked.
The three crypto rise in the purchase and selling. Most likely have the tokens being the most occured transaction,not forgetting #bonk which plays a role as USD carrier.
BONK is primarily a solana based SPL (Solana Primary Library) token,means it can be used effectively in solana ecosystem.With the help of third party service ,users can link their bonk with other exchange platforms.
It acts as decentralized gaming and DeFi ecosystem.Where users can earn tokens from certain task activities and gameplay.
There are number of reasons why it can reach such amount in the near future.
1. The growing audience
BTC has already created it's image. The younger generation will be informed about this coin in their later lives and they will invest their time and effort.
2.New tools and improvements in existing version
New advances in the respective technical resource will further improve the processing time and user friendly service . Innovation of fresh ideas may take the biggest leap ever .
3.Job Creation and the value of asset
It has become a only source of income for some people who find it as efficient method of income. Holding onto the expectation of rise in value of asset, creating the continuous feeling of thrill,loses,joy and learning mood.
4.Enhancing communication skills
while trading, keeping records,asking experts opinion on specific topics and discussing with other peers automatically refines your communication whether it's through verbal,written , traditional media ,new media, electronic ,print, body language,signs and symbols. As you wonder,you will search,and upon searching you find, after finding it will unlock 🔓 the sense of whether it's true or not.
However $BTC may not hike to 1 Million. There are many pointers that it will not take this value.
1.Declining Value of money
While 1 million may sound good now but it will be common among the middle class community in the future . As the price of every commodity rises while the value of money falls.
2.Other projects of transection
There will be new projects which will offer better version of service with low cost fee charges to it's customers, and people love where their job can be done at minimum cost.
3. Blockchain will get outdated
Something new comes ,where every transection occurs in a blink of an eye, you can withdraw money without having to wait 2-3 business days to reach into your bank account,but its not Blockchain,its something different we don't know yet.
Remember the trading basic skills that will make a breakthrough in your journey and if that doesn't happen then small steps forward is as important than winning big at a time.
Binance platform offers wide range of tools for it's users and utilising those services would allow you to step further into trading journey.One of the most trusted platform which users consider, binance also offers new features and services and it is also improving the existing features.
Nevertheless, the journey matters the most in every aspect,in this,i would like to wish you the very best in this spectrum. Let's learn and grow together.
$USDC $SOL $BNB Trading tips that can help you grow
1.Market niche
2. Inflow and outgoing of most transection
3. Popularity
4.Updating news about current affairs
5. Check time of your crypto ( 1-3 )times a day to know the hike,fall, or constant variation.
6. Checking which other coin the people talks about and involves the most.
some other basic skills and steps to take care off.
- Reading the graphs of current variation - Previous trading session analysis -Existing trading remarks. – news, economic reports, other factors that impact markets. -A well defined entry point. -A defined risk you are comfortable with per trade. -Defined stop loss and take profit levels. - Researching through the platform from which you are going to trade.
The next big thing can come just like it came before.
when bitcoin started it didn't have much value, it started when was in class 6 and due to the lack of technical resource ,i didn't know it could be mined and bought digitally and on top of that being under 18 years old ,we are not fully verified to obtain bank account and do digital transection. What is the next coin that could hold high value like this one? Nobody knows, that's what it makes the market interesting and being predictable is also an add on.
Variables like in the outcome of ratio in trading so is the consumerism.lets hope the binance drop some nickel to some people like us. 😁
$ETH $BTC $BNB 1.Start earning young 2. High earning potential 3. Analytical skills : ability to identify a problem, investigate to find out relevant facts, and find a logical solution. 4.Patience : This might be one of the most underrated soft skills in short-term trading. 5. Record keeping : helps traders track their plans, strategies and trades. Thorough records allow traders to create a track record of their progress. 6.Research : Traders need to be intellectually curious as well as have
New names for these cryptocurrency #bitcoin☀️ - Baba #ETH - Classic #BNB - Token #Doge - Puff #PEPE - Defender Share in the comments,if you have new names for the cryptocurrency..😁
Rethinking about the intense market hike of bitcoin
1.Popularity 2.Usage 3.versitility 4.The fear of losing 5. The hope of earning
Just like the painting of Mono Lisa so did this coin got famous over the time which added value and interests among the people.😁
Curiosity aroused into our mind,what is this bitcoin ? and the moment when i checked about it ,the price of 1 bit coin was 38,000$(thirty eight thousand )it was when i was in class 11. If you could have bought that time ? now, it has double the value.
Further improvements in the system also lead to better usage feasibility and manuver. The new other projects inspiration had been marked, thus many new cryptocurrency emerges, widening the field for enthusiast.